Armen Tamzarian


Stern: I'm sorry I don't understand all the fuss but if you'd like, please stop by my house on Christmas for dinner. We'll be having Chinese.

Maybe I aught to eat YOUR CORNBREAAAD!

Well done!


Rable, Rable?

There you are! +1 Whomp bomp a loo whomp

That's what I was looking for! +1.

I'm starting to believe VY took those fish-throwing pics to seriously. Good grief, what is that 6 pics?

Other than the big beard Tebow will use to explain his first marriage, I have nothing.

Has anyone else noticed this game has only lasted 1 hour and 45 minutes? The national league in baseball would be jealous. Yes Andy, you are the king of clock management.

I'm trying to figure out if he'll even show or he'll show up in such a state that SWAT will have to be deployed. Either way, Ye has taken the vacated Pac throne in my humble opinion.

@crowlz11: Yes, as our good friend Crowlz11 indicates, Bruno Mars is the greatest douche of all time.

Beast Mode Is Back

Well, I don't think I've had a funny fucking contribution here since November 11th.

Yeah, he's a good coach in the same way Laurie Fine is a good wife.

Dammit you fast lil sumbitch! You beat me!

How about a personal apology? I'm very sorry Gary.

Now playing

I want to believe Buff caught up with Heavy a few weeks ago and went to grab a meal or two. Thanks Emma!
