That’s called politics.
That’s called politics.
Are you kidding? They certainly were in a position to resist. Our troops were embedded with theirs. As it is green on blue has always been a problem, you think it would be any different with the entire country against you instead of just a quarter?
In negotiations there is something called BAD - Best Alternative to a Deal. Clearly the Iraqis weren’t giving up legal jurisdiction over crimes committed by US troops - this was a hard line for both us and them. The minute a status of forces agreement was on the table, we were going to leave, plain and simple. The…
It’s a work place. If you are professional you shouldn’t HAVE to complain to management that some idiot is bringing his kid to work. That should be dealt with. But it’s “baseball” so apparently the rules don’t apply to Mr. LaDouche.
Wow I was cringing as they were taking a pickax and chainsaw to the ice. Just waiting for someone to go a leeetle too far and hit steel.
Being familiar with international shipping and the hellishness/ineptitude of Middle East bureaucracy, I’m sure that is exactly what happened. And you thought the DMV was bad... LOL.
If you don’t, you have just made your deterrent the most expensive prop in history. It’s less than useless because people will know that they could nuke you and you still wouldn’t use them.
I thought the exact same thing but based on his jibe about the previous report I’m pretty sure that’s not going to happen.
The rudder mounting was a maintenance nightmare I’m sure. Under wing nacelles are much easier just by being closer to the ground. Plus what others said about the power and efficiency of more modern engines.
I don’t know if it’s just standard Korean inflection, but she seems just soooooo excited I really want subtitles! Most Glorious Leader will crush the capitalist dogs!
I heard anecdotally that there’s some kind of gentleman’s agreement that if NK starts shit, we can roll them up and reunite the peninsula, followed by US withdrawal.
Please oh wise one tell us how President ghostmourn would stop the big bad Chinese?
The FMS procurement process is so screwed I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just straight up ineptitude on the part of USAF and not politically motivated. It’s a major reason some countries go elsewhere, because they can’t stand having the USG be the middle man.
FYI, if anyone is buying a nuke from Pakistan, it’s Saudi. They are major allies. Iran, not so much.