
Oh, no, honey. Sometimes violence is the answer. You participate in the production, collection and distribution of kiddie porn, you’re getting a boot to the head. Drag a puppy behind your truck? Boot to the head. Leave an elder to stew in their own waste in a nursing home for five days while you starve them? Two boots

Yes, your opinion is much more important because you are a mother. Please go on.

Those reports of sexual battery and assaulting his girlfriend are not new and were quietly settled, but I’ve been side-eyeing Puck for several years now. Everyone was calling Naya Rivera “crazy” when she egged and trashed his car. While she was labeled as a bitter ex and psycho stalker, no one ever thought it had

White male privilege.

That needs to be written a LOT better if it’s 5 years per count, because nowhere in there does it say that.

Man, I look at women cross-eyes all the time! Guess I better cool it.

What’s changed, I think, is that we as a society have undergone a (long overdue) sea change in how we view crimes against women. We’ve still got a long way to go, but I think (hope) we’ve passed the tipping point, and we no longer dismiss such claims so easily, nor do we so readily give the benefit of the doubt to men

Oh local news comments sections...

Mike Tyson served hard time for raping an 18-year-old girl and he has a cartoon show, among other deals. Violence against women really isn’t that big a deal to our society.

It wont there are tons of stars the have gone to trail and even done jail time that still have support. Look at r kelky his is on tape and he went to trial and people still defend him.

Imgur used to be my jam. Now I only go there if someone else sends me a link. The anti-feminist circlejerk and sock puppet racism finally drove me off for good.

Always get a kick out of the un-PC crowd constantly getting oppressed to the front page.

I bounce between Imgur and Jez. If a stupid hate post makes the front page there are sometimes a lot of comments questioning it and disagreeing, but it is still there...being upvoted. So weird. Like it’s a website that’s constantly arguing with itself.

Imgur is a weird place... readily willing to upvote and comment in favor of a post that mocks some bogeyman (feminists, women in general, gay people, trans people etc.), but will break out into a “forever alone” circlejerk any time a post about relationships come up.

If pornhub doesn’t contain mostly the pernicious kind of porn, I suppose I can tip my hat to them, then.

This might sound a bit second-wave of me to say, but I don’t feel hugely comfortable giving kudos to a company that benefits from the degradation of so many women just because they do a solid for this one woman.

To be fair though, she didn’t ask for any of it, literally grew up on camera and knows no other life, and has to deal with fucking assholes harassing and stalking her (even when Kris doesn’t call them). Like no doubt that she enjoys the money and fame and shit, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fucked up that celebrities

Nah. It’s just a movie.

It’s possible to own a TV and not have seen them. I have, but there are lots of movies I havent. I will list some of them here: