Hahaha, weird is the word for it. I am definitely looking forward to seeing pairs of middle-class white kids all “Immigrants - we get the job done!” and high fiving. :)
Hahaha, weird is the word for it. I am definitely looking forward to seeing pairs of middle-class white kids all “Immigrants - we get the job done!” and high fiving. :)
As long as the “default” setting is white, and most of the superheroes we get are white (see the comments about Peter Parker), white people don’t get to take over the ones that aren’t. We don’t get to take more than what we already have, which is MOST OF THE THINGS.
white nonsense
Someday, if humankind really and truly manages to transcend race entirely (I’m not holding my breath, though), white people can play characters of a different race. Until then, sorry, we don’t get to. There can be a Black Batman but not a white Storm. It doesn’t go both ways. That’s trying to be equal at the expense…
Try “Hamilton”. Not exactly what you’re looking for, but pretty close!
The hottest musical on Broadway right now stars Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, and Christopher Jackson as founding fathers, so . . . I mean, not too far off.
Amateur groups do this kind of thing all the time, with surprisingly little self awareness. There have been white Kims in Miss Saigon, white Christmas Eves in Avenue Q, etc.
My first role in the theater (as a half Hispanic girl) was at age 6 when I played Harriet Tubman in a presentation for black history month at my school. I won the role over an African American girl and I’M NOT SORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I GAVE A TRANSCENDANT PERFORMANCE THAT WILL BE REMEMBERED FOREVER.
Oh sure. But does anyone have a problem with ethnic minorities playing the founding fathers in Hamilton?
At the same time, Sorkin’s Steve Jobs is being pulled from almost all of its screens (about as many as Jem). It made more per screen, but it also had a significantly higher budget and is almost certainly the bigger commercial failure for Universal. I’m sure they’d yank it the rest of the way were it not for some vain…
When I scrolled past this I thought it said “Is the Female Vagina Worth It?” and was like, damn that’s some pessimistic shit.
Actually, the female viagra is called: Viagra. It increases blood flow where it’s supposed to, but that doesn’t make a real difference in how much women want to have sex—and yes, the drug makers tested this back when viagra was new.
Would be interesting to see a comparison between this new drug and regular resistance training. My money would be on a couple months of compound barbell lifts over this drug: squats, pullups, barbell press, bench press and deadlifts. Side-effects may include: denser bones, reduced depression, weight-loss, improved…
Or you just feel kind of numb and dead inside because you lack a sex drive. Whether in a relationship or not. Your experiences aren’t universal, and if you don’t suffer from this problem, its really easy to logic your way through it.
I wonder what the libido studies among same-sex oriented women would show?
It doesn’t matter how good you are with your tongue; some people just don’t have a sexual response at a level that they’re happy with. You could have someone who is the acknowledged best at oral sex, and if the other person isn’t in the mood and can’t get in the mood, it won’t work.
While I fully accept that there is nothing wrong with using medication to correct things that are not optimal for you, it seems like an awful lot of “maybe this will work” combined with an awful lot of “this will probably harm you”. I can’t wait until the commercials start up...