
Ive enjoyed watching this and admittedly am a huge Beatles fan. I like Jackson’s straightforward reconstruction of the chronology of the sessions very much. Lots of good comments and threads here too. The one Id like to add is to imagine the context of the larger conceit of the original project — staging a

Looks gangster-y. Should’ve called it GoodFettas.

Brad’s big balls, Brad’s big balls . . .

He is with Creepy Girl right now in heaven. Hopefully she’s away from that jerk Lyle Waggoner.

he sure used to be. He stood up for what was right. He fought for moral reasons.

And this awesome charging cable.

Waiting to see if his defense is, “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, while she may have been twelve at the time, we seek to prove that she ached just like a woman, yes she did, she took just like a woman, yes she did, and she made love just like a woman, but she-actually, I’d like to withdraw my statement.”

Of course it did. That’s why my comment specifically says “season 4.”

I do still watch Real Time fairly regularly. He is unbearably smug and often wrong in that “I’m just saying what everyone is thinking, but no-one is saying” way that libertarians love. I probably yell at the TV at least once during an episode and I almost always check out once he gets to his “New Rules” segment.

Neither is Benjamin Franklin Pierce.

Dr. Mrs. The Mirror Monarch?

Anyone else dork out at the Commodore 64 set up (with actual monitor and disk drive) as well as the actual 64 post boot-up screen, or am I just that much of a nerd?

I got a Firefly notification for this?

How do you know it will be more dark and edgy? It’s theoretically possible he’s adding pie fights and Busby Berkeley style song and dance numbers.

I liked that part where Joe Pesci showed up for two scenes, it was a nice crossover. 

After watching My Name is Dolemite, I am convinced that Wesley Snipes next stage of his career is in comedy. 

My hatred of Josh Gad is not irrational. It is very rational and I am of sound mind, thank you very much.

Salute the rank, not the man.

Let’s not forget that lost classic, Paul Kinsey’s ‘The Negron Complex’. It could have healed America, damn it!

They’ll speak entirely in metaphor. Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra!