
There's something at least slightly off about this chart. My debit card, which is automatically recognized as a Visa when I want it to be, starts as 42, not 44. Maybe because it's a debit card from a bank and not an actual Visa? I don't have a real Visa anymore, but I seem to remember it starting with 42 as well.

@justvisiting: Yeah, but what about a Superman show with a tiny budget where Superman was played by a doughy, balding guy and Lois Lane changed from a short brunette to a leggy blonde and no one noticed. That would... last for 6 seasons and go into syndication for the next 50 years.

@Johann Schmidt: Because all we do in L.A. is have relationship issues?

@Wookielifeday: You could always invent a villain for the film.

@Ceropegius: Yeah, that's what I want in a gorgeous superhero, Madonna arms.

@Himynameispromotedthiscommenta...: That's a great ad. I love it.

@Ninety-9: Believe it or not, judges are not flawless individuals and can sometimes make judgements they shouldn't.

@AlphaFlockFunnyBiss: You can say 'fuck the law' all you like until you get caught breaking it.

@bombastinator: OJ Simpson's former lawyers are laughing at you right now.

@Justin: It is according to the law. People have been prosecuted for doing just that multiple times.

@Cash907Censored: How is the title misleading? It's asking a question, it's not making a definitive claim either. What title would you have used?

@tomqvaxy: Everyone loves me. Except Brian Moylan.

@Cash907Censored: Well, if you had read the article, you certainly made an odd statement since the article explicitly says it is not conclusive.

@Cash907Censored: What conclusion did I jump to? The conclusion that there is evidence to suggest that this is a possibility? How rash of me!

And people like this are why I don't get nostalgic for those old college days.

@Cash907Censored: Good job not actually reading the article she wrote. We don't know that this is what is killing the animals, but there is a lot of evidence that suggests it.

I thought this would happen the first time I heard about this plan. All you need is a few subsurface cracks here and there and you get outgassing. It happens naturally for Pete's sake!

@hodayathink: Ah, wasn't aware he said that. Thanks.