
I think the problem is that like you kind of point out, nothing is going to change a workaholic’s mind. The flip is that there are some people who hide behind sick leave policies and take off for everything. I had a co-worker who took 50 days over 18 months because of her sleep apnea and always had a doctor’s note to

Also, separate sick days from vacation days. People will come to work sick, because they don’t want to tap into their PTO.

I can see both sides here and while I sympathise for transwomen in this situation, it is being caused by the behaviour of natal men being violent and aggressive towards them, yet the solution is that vulnerable natal women are expected to shut up and move over despite feeling uncomfortable sharing facilities with

SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.

Yay, now everyone will be able to think they don’t have to actually look around when they drive.

They don’t have to be in possession of the warrant. A warrant might be issued in Washington D.C. and hours later a Marshal may locate THE subject in L.A. The warrant was entered into the Nation Crime Information Center database. The officer need only be aware of it’s existence. A judge will eventually present a copy

This. If you feel you have a case, make it in front of a judge.

This is one of the things that perplexes me about the left today. We’ve got this government who is spying on us at unprecedented levels, classifying information at unprecedented levels, murdering civilians in other countries we haven’t declared war with using drones, starting wars for the most dubious reasons

“My philosophy is, if you’ve got to the point of confronting another person with a firearm you have already lost the battle.”

No no, because HamNo wants the GOV’T to overthrow the rich and then distribute their ill-gotten gains out to him. You don’t expect him to actually do the dirty work, do you? What HamNo doesn’t realize is that in his fantasy, the so-called intellectuals, no matter how poor, go on the pile just as easily as the

OK...So the cops showed up to arrest him and he refused to come out of his house. What, exactly, are they supposed to do? Go home? Give up?

“Shit guys, he’s in the house, I guess we’re done.”

For a socialist revolutionary who ends every other piece with a threat of overthrowing the rich, one would think you would like guns more.

There is no evidence of any foul play. It is a trsgic situation where a potentially suicidal inmate was not monitored enough. It is unclear if any policies were broken, but she absolutely took her own life.

She killed herself. I haven’t seen any evidence of foul play outside of some negligence in leaving her alone. It is hard to accept the suicide of a child.

What if... and I know this is crazy, but what if she actually did kill herself? And it wasn’t some elaborate and completely unmotivated murder cover-up? Is that somehow not possible because the family decided she wasn’t suicidal? Even though it’s a fairly common occurrence with families and friends of suicide victims.

Those benches and beams have wrong instructions. They are there only so you don’t have to touch ground, because it is lava.

Two months?? “Rekindle the magic”? What, are we living in Dilated Time World? I thought we’d be talking about seven years or something.

Text her, dude! Let her know your work situation has changed and ask if she wants to meet for cocktails/coffee. If she was into you and still available, she’ll probably say yes and if not, then at least you know.

Obvious scum move from nVidia. This isn’t about transparency, it’s about forcing mid to smaller brands to go exclusive with them, and forcing big brands to consider the costs of building an entire new brand only to sell AMD cards.

No one is forcing her to stay.