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    Aw, triggered much?

    Defending the right of the government to exterminate their own disarmed populace, clearly.

    Come on, guys, it’s an AR10. It’s not high powered, in fact it’s 5 less than an AR15.

    Let’s consider Mary, a 25-year-old who receives a starting salary of $60,000, and is immediately guillotined in the class revolt.

    Let’s consider Mary: who begins working at 25 years old, earns $60,000/year to start [and] gets a 2% raise every year.

    Because there was a time when we didn’t do all of that shit, and everything was FINE.

    We’ve had big, spinning pieces of metal machinery for centuries. Somehow, stupid people still shove their noodle-soft appendages into it.

    Hot take: Expecting autonomous cars to be 100% crash-free is a ridiculous and utterly impossible standard, especially when the roads are still full of regular cars.

    Go look up the full video. He refuses to stop when orders, then tries to fight the police, and this video is selectively edited not to include him doing everything in his power to get himself hit.

    Oh, bullshit. He was resisting a lawful arrest and got exactly what happens when you resist a lawful arrest.

    Oh, look, a selectively edited video.

    this EPA blog says one pound of HFC-134a is equivalent to over 1,400 pounds of carbon dioxide—and eventually led manufacturers to scrap the first self-chilling can design.

    Every single second of that video was hijacked and turned into a meme within ten minutes of the upload.

    Our healthcare system is now a lottery, in which care is allocated to the people who can get the most likes and follows on Instagram.

    They just kinda died. You know, of heart failure and stuff. Completely unrelated to the bullet fired by an Israeli sniper that passed through their heart roughly around that time.

    I hereby pledge to nullify the jury if I am ever selected in a case where employees murdered their own boss for that shit.

    Agreed. That comment reeks of the slaveowner insisting that slavery is a fair and beneficial system.

    Because feature creep and the Good Idea Fairy.

    Never understood what was so wrong with having a little piece of metal you stick into the steering column or dash to start the car.

    Yep. Apparently some of my coworkers have a rare condition that only makes them sick on Mondays and Fridays, every two weeks exactly.