Respectfully, fuck you. Your opinions are stupid, your revisionist history is false, and you don’t get to tell me what to do...especially with the zero guns that you have.
Respectfully, fuck you. Your opinions are stupid, your revisionist history is false, and you don’t get to tell me what to do...especially with the zero guns that you have.
The Second Amendment is not about hunting, and the word “hunting” does not appear in it.
If you own a gun for “protection” you are doing so out of fear and paranoia, qualities that should make one automatically disqualified for own a weapon due to mental instability.
The First Amendment only covers paper, quills, ink, and a manual printing press.
Gas is cheap and Americans are obese. We want gigantic vehicles and only buy small cars when the price of gas forces us to do so.
We have laws dictating when force can be used for self-defense, and laws dictating where and how guns can by carried. Those are your speed limits.
This is also required for any private transfers between states. If you drive to my state intending to buy a gun from me, we have to meet at an FFL, and depending on state law I may be required to ship it to an FFL in your state.
I mean, if power didn’t matter at all, everyone would carry .22lr.
Being a grad student at Harvard or Columbia is the very definition of privilege.
There is no country on earth without vans.
That’s why murder is illegal, dummy.
You mean that ban that the FBI’s own report said did nothing?
A. My right to own guns isn’t conditioned on whether you think I need them.
18-year-old Timmy is an adult, possessing of all the constitutional rights of adults.
They are free to not take steps to protect themselves. I’m totally cool with that.
I mean, we have the internet, the actual information is out there if they care to educate themselves.
The “collective security” of the FBI and the Broward County Sherrif’s Department?
Well, in the words of the students themselves who complained about clear backpacks, “All of us don’t deserve to be punished for the actions of one person”.
Terrorists in France managed to get AKs and explosives. Think their laws kept them safe?
I don’t care what the rest of society thinks. “The majority thinks you shouldn’t have rights”. Isn’t that what the Nazis said, before they disarmed Jewish people and marched them into death camps? My rights are not conditioned on your approval, or your cost/benefit. I have the human right, constitutionally protected,…