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    A suicide is not a “gun death”. It’s a suicide. The gun didn’t decide to shoot the person.

    If you count negligent discharges by people in the parking lot, suicides, and BB guns shot at school buses.

    Uh, no dude, homicide does not kill more teenagers than suicide.

    Teen suicide claims more lives than Columbine every single day.

    Now playing

    Lifehack: Make sure your dad isn’t around when you get steamrolled by salvia.

    “Okay, you take this mylar blanket, and you take this piece of lifeboat ration. Try to look like you’re...surviving.”

    Well, people ain’t calm. But it does keep them belted in their seats instead of running all over the cabin, screaming and rushing the cockpit and doing all manner of crazy stuff people do when they know they are about to die.

    Unprepared and whiny, too.

    This class of person is going to behave like this regardless, but the least we can do is stop enabling them by giving them a place to gather and breed more assholes like themselves.

    The entire job interview practice is hopelessly broken. There’s so much bullshit pop psychology, manipulative little power games, ridiculous idiot questions that are supposed to “reveal” something, and macho posturing.

    Does it really matter? If the oxygen masks deploy at cruising altitude, the aircraft is either going to crash dive to below 10,000 feet and level off, or crash dive below 10,000 feet followed by impacting the ground. It’s a placebo. It’s to keep people seated, belted in, and compliant while the crew works the problem

    If that’s how you feel, you can scream “GO AWAY! THIS IS A STATISTICALLY UNLIKELY EVENT!” at the hurricane and see how far that gets you.

    Frats gonna frat. They’re not going to change. They’re not going to take sensitivity training and get better. This is what frats are.

    My AR15 gets anxious and barks if I don’t take him out regularly.

    I used to have a jar that I dropped a quarter into every time someone called me a baby killer for expressing a pro-gun rights opinion.

    Buy our product! THIS COULD BE YOU!

    How fast can you cover 30 miles on foot? What if you have to shelter through an extreme weather event, civil unrest, or something else before you even set off to cover that 30 miles?

    Exactly. I don’t know where people are getting the idea that employers have all these surplus people hanging around who can simply be fired to make up for higher wages.

    Cuomo is a hyper-privileged, rich, authoritarian piece of shit.