Forreal forreal.
Forreal forreal.
A couple weeks ago Bethesda announced that they’re working on Skyrim Special Edition which will be released on October 28th and will be free to all owners of Legendary Edition (even if you bought DLCs separately).
Enhanced Steam does this.
One thousand games, plus.
Good lord.
You sound like a fun guy! Honest[Hearts]ly!
Yikes. That sounds all kinds of wrong. :/
Wow. Who even are these entitled, shitty fans?
I can confirm; got the 40" TCL Roku TV as well, about a month ago. The only complaint I have is that there’s no ethernet port for a wired connection to the home network, but other than that, it’s an excellent product, and at a very good price.
I can confirm; got the 40" TCL Roku TV as well, about a month ago. The only complaint I have is that there’s no…
What’s an Avett Brother?
That’s because it’s true!
He’s Chinese. Hong Kong is Chinese. How is he forgetting anything?
Both his Sensational Spider-Man, and his Scarlet Spider, suits were iconic, yo.
I love the look, but never understood why the Iron Spider suit would only have three extra spider-limbs, instead of four. What was the reasoning behind three?
I mean, yeah. That’s, like, most of the E3 trailers. I’m sure they’ll show off some of it behind closed doors, but not all the E3 demos are playable; most of them are just that— rolling demos, scripted demos, vertical slices, etc. E3 is for building up hype and drumming up business. As much as E3 is known as “gamer…
I edited the reply, fyi. And yes, obviously people are excited for new Mass Effect; I never said that I, or people, weren’t!
I’m not saying writers don’t leave once their work contract work is done, obviously they do, but if you don’t have insider info, it’s hard to believe your “lol” has any merit.
I think people were less annoyed that their fan theory wasn’t validated, as much as Bioware completely shut down any possible interpretation of the end other than exactly how it was portrayed. Which was unsatisfactory for a lot of reasons, but especially because there was a lot made of indoctrination, and the various…