satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

While it doesn’t have a full-on campaign, I think the multi-mission tutorial certainly counts as part of one? I do also like the quests, as well, but I think I’m one of the few who actually likes to solo a lot of the quests.

I’d like to add that there’s actually a lot (more) explanation thrown in these days, along with a really rather fun (and lore-filled) tutorial, as well as the game repeatedly pointing you towards the Warframe wikia, which is where the stats and crafting and abilities are explained in much greater detail, but yeah.

That's all very nice, but yes, being against a certain race does make you racist. Yes.

That's all very nice, but yes, being against a certain race does make you racist. Yes.

Trust me, this is how actual people feel a lot of the time. We can't find the controls in real life, either.

It really is, and it really is.

Ah, I thought you were talking about mythological sources.

"Born from revenants made of stone" could you expand upon that? Or maybe point me to a source? I'd like to read up on this :)

Yes, yes literal millions find no fault with the designs of the films. Literal millions also found no fault with the Third Reich. I found fault with the Rebel helmets for 32 years, and still do. You and your millions don't suddenly have good taste just because they don't mind bad design. Either way, that crap doesn't

Oh, good. Because I said "different things appeal to different people", you find me stupid. I find you moronic, good job. Begone.

Because I think overly bulky helmets that don't protect much and get in the way is "poor taste"?

And why's that?

Actually, on a hot desert planet, or a hot desert area, wearing Luke's clothing outside during the day, rather than at dusk, would be a terrible, terrible idea. Loose yet heavy white or black (if you have a layer underneath) clothing that covers your entire body would be a much better idea if you don't want to get

Not really. Different things appeal to different people. I, for example, find the Rebel helmets uniformly hilariously stupid.

I don't understand the LULZ... have you ever seen a body builder?

It's a timed exclusive; there's no way it's going to be withheld from PlayStation 4 players for very long. Why would discounting the DLC's price on PS4, and thus making PC players and Xbox One players pay more, make any sense at all? I don't understand this logic.

I do think the timed exclusivity should have been advertised beforehand. That being said, I don't understand the logic behind your, and others', reactions to this window of exclusivity. This sort of timed exclusivity happens all the time. In what way are Playstation 4 owners being snubbed? You're still going to get to

Two things, neither of which are predicated on the other—

No probs. It seems like they're the prom kings who went to Feminist High School, sometimes, if that makes sense? It's late and my analogies are terrible.

You got it right in one: human tumblr/twitter meme Feminist Ryan Gosling's conventional (read: white+buff) beauty amplifies his feminist message.