Are you making a game? An FPS even? (Yknow, it's your love for BioShock 2 that got me to finally get through most of that game)
Are you making a game? An FPS even? (Yknow, it's your love for BioShock 2 that got me to finally get through most of that game)
not to mention, if this is supposed to be in line with the story: Master Chief's generation of Spartans were all supposed to be able to run at speeds in excess of 40mph, so plodding around at what felt like a slow jog in multiplayer always felt maddening to me.
Destiny is on the list, but Titanfall isn't? Really, Kirk? Really?? /Amy Poehler+Seth
But did it take away your weapons and make you feel helpless in a gameplay sequence? I think that's what they're talking about.
You had to... *console* your friend who was playing the game on SNES, amirite? You're welcome, Merica.
Not to get all tin-foil hat on you, but I notice that it's at 8:40, which is exactly twice times 4:20, which means maybe this is 420BLAZEITTIMEZTO
u mad, bro?
Deep thoughts!
It says that sometimes, a McRib is still worth it, to the pleasure centers in your brain. What does it say about your question when you don't understand how subjectivity and desire and preference work together to make you enjoy a rote-but-well-produced game versus an artistic work?
Oooh. It seems odd that they would restore/remake a game and leave in the glitches, but perhaps they felt that modifying it would mean changing the game, which would be the antithesis of a restoration?
I absolutely echo your feelings about well-done loading screens and UI. I think that's why things like DA:I's loading screens never giving you the option to finish reading the codex entries, or Destiny's egregious overuse of pointless loading screens (literally going from loading screen to loading screen in some…
but... what happens when you load that mod in the wrong order? :V
Oh, they definitely sit on finished games. When I was seven, I played Super Mario Bros. 3 at my babysitter's house, months before the game was actually released, because her husband worked at an electronics store and they had the games sitting in the stockroom, waiting for launch date.
What original problems did they leave unfixed?
What original problems did they leave unfixed?
Same here!
ugh D:
The second season fell apart towards the end because they knew that they were being cancelled, and they also had a vastly smaller budget (which is why the last few episodes— especially the last one— look really rough).