We must be brain twinz, because Lex Luthor: Man of Steel is one of my favorite books ever.
We must be brain twinz, because Lex Luthor: Man of Steel is one of my favorite books ever.
About the Hulk— which heartbeat thing was being ignored?
I wouldn't call Superman Returns a reboot, though. At best, it's an alternate timeline, since, as you said, it ignores 3 and 4 (good! it should) and is a sequel to Superman II. It doesn't retell the origins (not really) or change anything from Superman II— it's a…
Kinda sounds like they're trying to do a shittier, less awesome version of BulletStorm, and naming it Doom. Rebooting a great reboot to be shitty. ID Software is DOOMED.
But... none of your examples are reboots that got rebooted in the next installment.
Worth a double post to get new Hexen!
And also this: http://jezebel.com/what-confuses-…
That's because your employer also pays your wages, but they don't have the right to tell you what you can or cannot do with your money. When they're paying for birth control, it's not their money anymore. That money is allocated to birth control in whatever way is best for the patient, not what the employer believes…
Can I share this on facebook? This is the simplest, clearest explanation I've seen anybody give for this atrocity.
Orange Is the New Black is not set in a maximum security prison. You're making zero sense. Rage on, MRA.
Oh my god. I am a man, but you're an idiot. How many male-focused prison stories are set in minimum security facilities? Of course the representations of people (in this case, men) in prisons like Rikers Island and Shawshank are going to be those of "sociopaths, rapists, thieves, pedophiles, etc. "
"Until it snows, when people use mass transit and get where they're going quickly, reliably, and safely."
from Arkham City, yeah? That threw me for a loop, I tell you what.
Okay, I can get behind that. I really liked the mechanics of how the story was conveyed to the player— the interrogation and the unreliable narrator. Although the Champion's rise through the hierarchy in Kirkwall wasn't detailed the way I wanted it to be (going from, say, the Deep Roads to the next act was such an…
but it wouldn't be "viral" or "memetic" if it was a manufactured corporate marketing push, rather than something that arose organically. Nintendo's new marketing scheme should be "get creative, CRAZY creative, and be GREAT at it, and hope that people like what you do enough to make videos of it"
I bought DA:O and DAII when they both came out, but stopped playing DAII two thirds of the way though because I was turned off by the way DAII recycled its levels. I'm open to playing it again, though— how was DAII the superior game?
Funny, how you read it. Such reading comprehension. :\
The Xbox One has a minimum size requirement, though— your external drive has to be at least 256GB before you connect it and format it for Xbox One compatibility.
"I never attack anyone personally, but that's all you Kotaku commentators seem to do"
How the hell would you know that I'm lying? Are you my fairy godmother? Are you the monster in my closet? Are you my stalker? Are you just watching me constantly, reading my thoughts?
Not to mention they raised all that "excess" money on the promises of adding new features; had they not exceeded the original target threshold, the planned initial full release would be far more stripped down. All those millions go towards paying for more work to be done on the game, not *necessarily* more staff…