satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

It was the early 1990s. Nintendo was a zaibatsu, and was almost a century old, and was doing business with another Japanese company, which is how they preferred to do business back then. It had nothing to do with being "young in the game", but Nintendo management has always been, and back then was even more so in

We would have a Shenmue trilogy completed almost a decade ago, that's for sure.

Or even a comma, hey?

There are none. Zero examples of DRM reducing piracy to zero, either in the short term (games can be pirated as soon as, and often a few days before, they're released), or in the long term (laughable. look at StarForce. literally crippling legitimate users' computers while claiming to stop piracy, while actually not

Which? Thief, the game that picks up after the end of the game that preceded it, or Battlestar Galactica, which was specifically called not a reboot, but a reimagining? A reboot is literally that— a restart using the same characters.

Actually, it does change the "fact" that the standalone version of the Dark Mod could be available on Steam if its developers wanted to be. That's not a fact at all, in fact that has never ever been the fact.

I'm not seeing any consistent reasoning here. First you're talking about a reboot, then you're saying Lara was originally a dude, now you're saying Lara wouldn't have existed... but what's your point, exactly? I honestly don't get it.

They are, but Thief II is a decade and a half old, and it doesn't run on the Source engine. All the mods that are available on Steam without needing a base game to run on— they all use the Source SDK, which is why they're available if you just download the Source SDK when you run Steam. Thief: The Dark Project, Thief

Yes, but Lara Croft wasn't named "Lara Croft" when the character was male. There's also that.

You used "feminist" as a pejorative. All your ranting makes you sound like you're soft in the head.

I appreciate the comparison, but from what I remember, the male Starbuck's actual name was Starbuck, and the female Starbuck's actual name was Kara Thrace, callsign "Starbuck". And also they were two vastly different characters— one was the smart-aleck sidekick, and the other was a... we still don't know exactly what

That's cool. You're saying that working as a porno actor and having sex on camera is simply a way of destroying yourself. No. That's you imposing your values on a career that not everybody is okay with acknowledging as legitimate, even as its effects are a part of almost everybody's daily life.

Yeah, it's actually the other way around: bankers are the worst evil and affect everybody's daily lives on a massive scale, all the time.

Yeah, pretty sure I didn't say something that should elicit this as an assumption.

Eye spy/I spy immediately springs to mind. So does sudoku.

And here's where you're wrong— you think "interactivity" is what makes a game, while there are several games where interactivity isn't even used. That is to say, your definition is totally arbitrary, dependent on your mood. This is why academics are developing vocabulary specific for games in academe.

Really? You're really not reading what I say and making assumptions on my meaning? Color me unsurprised.

Lol "why does it matter?"

Wrong. You made the incorrect assumption here— interactivity is not indicative of a game. Rule-based rewards are a more concrete (but still not constant) assurance of a game, and yet there are plenty of notgames that are fun to play, but without a rule-based reward.

I'm actually an ensorcelator. And seitan, in a shirt.