No, your first paragraph ended with "blacks had it fairly easy compared to what others had to go through in history." Bold claim, no sources.
No, your first paragraph ended with "blacks had it fairly easy compared to what others had to go through in history." Bold claim, no sources.
Boat. "Ship" is only used by the uninitiated or non-sailors.
That ain't weird at all, man. You do you. I understand very well how you feel, and it's a truth that unless you're a WASP, or at the least a white Catholic, you will very rarely feel represented in visual media like movies or comics or video games. So far.
... because there's a really well-done DLC that's about him and his journey?
Not even going to bother reading through what is no doubt a diatribe, but I'll point out this— you still don't name a single source. Not once. You should know that nobody gives a shit what you say until you have a source, be it field experience or primary/secondary sources.
Man, this is kind of dumb. I can't believe anybody starred your response.
No, none of what you replied with is a source. Saying "take a history class" isn't a source. I've taken and taught history classes. I want your sources.
You do know what cliche means, right? Overuse of a trope? If you have vodou just because the protagonist is black, that risks becoming a cliche.
Are you asking me if I've seen the black power salute before? Yes. Did I learn about this particular picture in history class, in school? No.
It is, and it is.
Sources. I'm gonna need sources for every single thing you've stated as "fact".
Yes, indeed vodou was present in Liberation. And since that's been done, Evan was glad that it wasn't turned into a cliche, that vodou wasn't part of the game simply because the protagonist is black. Also, he didn't forget anything because Liberation isn't Freedom Cry, which is what this article was about.
It's not self loathing to not want vodou to be used as a cliche.
As the other other Indian guy, I'll say it wasn't exactly what being a Brahmin is about, but it was a nifty little book.
I'm not sure what it is that you're saying.
What's that picture of?
Clearly you don't number among them, kid.
No, it's not an extreme amount of physical exertion. The reason professional racers tend to be small of frame and light is the same reason jockeys are, as well— to reduce the load on the car/animal that they're riding.