Do you have a point, or are you just mentally masturbating in the corner?
Do you have a point, or are you just mentally masturbating in the corner?
If we're going down that route, you might as well say "It's Amazing What Modders Can Do with the 18-year old Quake engine" since that's also what Half-Life and Quake II were based on.
No you're not. Dude is wrong. Assumes that one show doing an impression of Obama means that anybody else doing an Obama impression is instantly biting their style.
Personally, I like it because unlike every other comedy show out there, its comedy doesn't come from totally stereotyping black people based on their skin color and non-black perceptions of how they should act.
Heavy is the crown, and all that.
I did a spittake while reading this. Thaaaankyou.
O ho! You're every kid, are you? What's so much better about having one mom and one dad, over two dads, or two moms, or two dads and a mom, or two moms and a dad? What is this, some Golden Ratio for Parenting bullshit?
Completely inappropriate/TOTALLY appropriate. Bravo!
Sadly no :(
"We" nothing. You don't. I think it was mostly a 90s thing, though.
How did you display the =/= sign?
Of all these games, only Assassin's Creed III and The Last of Us had scenes set in Boston, and Assassin's Creed III was the only game that was set in New England. The New York metropolitan area is not New England.
Yup. the fact that Boston is an actual city, and yet is still so tiny, makes it the perfect setting for a Fallout 3/NV-style first-person game. It's possible in real life to walk across the entire city in a few minutes (by which I mean less than three hours) unlike, say, New York City, which took me almost thirteen…
Shadow Warrior is already remade and it's one of the year's best games. Also does some really great things with story and narrative, as well as the combat being completely batshit and totally brutal.
It's a prototype magazine, mmkay?
And and ANDDDDD he was amazing on Kings, that brilliant poetic show that nobody watched!
Aw. I was thinking of getting picking up a 360 on New Year's Day (lowest prices of the year! because nobody wants to be there!) since I haven't bought a console since the Xbox that came with Jet Set Radio Future packed in— a whole decade. I was looking forward to Near Death Investigation. (if that's still the last…
Word. And that's the beauty of PnP RPGs— you can add whatever you like, since you're limited only by your imagination! :D