satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

The benefit of having more services isn't about having more digital distribution+DRM programs on your computer (simply don't let them start up when Windows starts), but to provide some competition for Steam. I don't see anything terrible about Origin or Uplay or Steam— they're all digital distribution platforms, and

Wait, why are we emulating CPUs? (obviously I know little about this, but I'm curious and have been wanting to learn more for a while)

Well, yeah, obviously. I'm pretty sure Windows has as many users as it does because OSX is still kind of crap and Linux is just arcane and people want an OS that plays games as well as does other stuff (and runs Office) and because most small businesses are, for good reason, slow to adopt new OS releases.

Well put. For every time I remind somebody to remember the context in which phrases are used, and what makes them okay or not okay to use, there's always some dunce who veers too far into literality and completely misses the point of "context", which is that it's inherently not a simple, black and white situation.

You're missing the point, mate.

And that is the exact reason why the term "PC gaming master race" was used by Yahtzee in Zero Punctuation, and that is exactly why it's funny. Welcome to the joke.

This happens to me every single time I don't set Steam to start in offline mode when connected. If I'm online during a session, then shut down, then lose internet connection and boot up Steam, I get that exact series of messages ("would you like to restart in offline mode?" "oops! sorry, you couldn't go offline

No because nobody makes games for Linux, only ports. Forever and ever amen.

I highly disagree with that comparison, telling you this as an Indian American.

I... don't. Are we talking about the Konami Code or something else? D:

You seem knowledgeable. What's the reading order, from Final Crisis to Flashpoint? I've read all the Grant Morrison stuff, but aside from Batman and Robin, he doesn't have many stories about Dick Grayson's tenure as the Bat. I'm looking for more of that, and couldn't dip my toes back into the DC Comics end of the pool

Peter Parker was neither approaching the garbage bag-wearing hobo-levels of poverty this portrayal of Bats does, nor was he limited by access to resources— he had access to plenty via the Empire State University labs, the Horizon Labs labs, and the Midtown Science High School labs and equipment, as well. This Bats is

to say that way back when, before multi-million dollar development costs and multi-million dollar advertising costs, the game wasn't successful is bullshit. It WAS successful

I disagree. I also hear people repeating idioms like "Don't sweat the small stuff" and I suppose I don't think that something can be both "an issue" and be "small stuff" at the same time.

Seriously. There's an awful lot of people who pull quotes out of context in order to create an impression of her that isn't consistent with the reality of what she says, simply because of their own feelings of being threatened that people might actually critique the rampant sexism and the sexist tropes that infest the

Sexism isn't a non-issue. Sexism also wasn't a part of this letter, so the furor over this letter is a non-issue. The only sexist part in this entire "controversy" is the bit where people assume only a particular sex is ever called "honey" or enjoys sports or has a sister.

And even that still isn't actually sexist, unless you're assuming that a particular sex is making the sandviches or winning the breads.

It depends on what you mean by competitive. If by "competitive", you mean a game where you won't have fun because there will be too many players who freak out if you can't play perfectly, then no. If you mean a game that's well balanced and good for team play or solo play against other people, then yes, it is.

They're still supporting it— the servers are still running, aren't they? The game still works.
