satan in a shirt (isn't Arjun)

Well, I mean, we didn't find out about it until a couple of days ago, so they're obviously very good at keeping heaps of secrets. I sincerely hope there are cooler aliens in there, because if it's all just reskinned Call of Duty Dogs, then I'm totally uninterested. Dogs are so fast and low to the ground and

So what was the advantage in joining forces, for them? If there's no consolidation of resources and the administration and management and assets all stay separate? Do they get access to a common liquid assets stash, even?

Exactly. For any game where spatial awareness is an advantage, or where you have to run off and do things apart from the other player, individual displays are necessary. That said, the distortion and crapification of graphics that inevitably comes with playing in split-screen seriously annoys the hell out of me (the

So, you're speaking for everybody who bought or enjoyed Call of Duty?

I didn't buy MW3, but Spec Ops in Modern Warfare 2 seemed to be pretty fun and intense. I really liked the pulp fiction atmosphere of Zombies in Black Ops, more than anything else. I think partially it's because I haven't played either of those modes with other players. In retrospect, you're absolutely right about the

It's about as out of place as Zombies mode was, though. Which is to say, deliberately so.

I'm sure they'll be pointing to the smoke and particle effects as something other games haven't done, and they'd be right— because very few games have an engine whose base is still made from the Quake 3 engine. So nobody else will be doing things exactly the same. Technicalities.

This looks like Mass Effect 3 and base defense had a baby.

Do you think they're pushing the male thing in trailers where they don't show women?

Who are you talking about, "they?"

It looks more like an upside down Call of Duty: Ghosts logo, to me. But now I can't unsee the Resistance logo DAMNIT.

Eh? How so? Wasn't that supposed to be a third-person stealth game?

In that case they'd be making The Ultimates: The FPS.

Natural Selection II is DA BOMBA

Really? What makes it so much better on the Wii U?

That's the thing— Zombies was an easter egg. Until Black Ops II, anyway.

Did you attempt to find them anyway?

This, so very much this.

"going to a liquor store for sock" I am KEEPING this, thank you!

Tsun tsun, dere dere!