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...and basically all of the “Fired Up!” collection

Platform in the title! Yay! 🙌

Platform in the title! Yay! 🙌

I hope the Doctor sees this article and browses the comments so he sees this,

So, I know this might come of as being a bit of a prick but, why in the title of this post is the platform specified? As in, why specify the platform this time as opposed to the numerous other times where the platform is not specified in the title making us open the article to find out which platforms the deal is on,

So, I know this might come of as being a bit of a prick but, why in the title of this post is the platform

I really wish the platform would be included in the headline so I wouldn’t have to waste a click to see that yep, not pc. That’s not so much to ask is it?

I really wish the platform would be included in the headline so I wouldn’t have to waste a click to see that yep,

Soldier 76 reporting for duty.

I want to add a remote controlled power switch/button to my NAS because it doesn’t auto-power on after an outage. Would this be applicable?

I want to add a remote controlled power switch/button to my NAS because it doesn’t auto-power on after an outage.

I want to add a remote controlled power switch/button to my NAS because it doesn’t auto-power on after an outage. I have no idea where to start or what I should look for. Help?

I’m not sure I understand, could you please clarify author? Was it the switch version or the wiiu version that was leaked?

The argument could be made that the image at the top of this post is misleading in just the same way can’t it?

The argument could be made that the image at the top of this post is misleading in just the same way can’t it?

Mionix brand mice have a coupon for $5 off that apparently stacks with the big thanks promo.

Mionix brand mice have a coupon for $5 off that apparently stacks with the big thanks promo.

Any recommendations for the refurb keyboard? I know the K70 is pretty well reputed so I’m not looking for info about that, more on purchasing from corsair and any kind of expectations I should have about buying a refurb of an already older/potentially outdated model.

Any recommendations for the refurb keyboard? I know the K70 is pretty well reputed so I’m not looking for info about

Tell me more

Tell me more

On campus and WiFi is spotty, does the video address transferring mew caught using the encounter glitch? What happens?

That feel when you scored two of the new limited edition models on black Friday.

Take your goddamn sweet time Atlus. I don’t have a PS4 and this is the currently sole reason I have to want one. Polish the balls off of this thing

Add that to the ones that die on the ground and get yelled out for being anywhere near it

Meaning there’s definitely no more that have not be announced?

Needs more dragon

Is there a complete list of all the kantomons that are getting alola forms yet?