for some reason Indy makes me think of a grown-up Hogarth from Iron Giant in this.
for some reason Indy makes me think of a grown-up Hogarth from Iron Giant in this.
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I need one.
This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, I need one.
Best short story about buying gas ever. 10/10 would read again.
Sadly people would just ignore that step and hell even with the alarm they might, its a sad fact of life it can happen it will happen.
I do not have enough stars for this comment.
Can confirm, I work night shift that gets tons of college kids, they all are hilarious; well in there own minds they are and everyone else just doesn’t get it.
He kind of reminds me of Nick Cage. Is that just me?
Mild winters and bike lanes? In my day we pedaled uphill in 4 feet of snow in heavy traffic. All joking aside I haven’t used my bike after you know, learning how to drive.
Correct only the Theropods developed feathers.
Is this like those holographic bracelets everyone was swearing by a few years ago?
Who are those people? I have never heard of them but then again I didn’t know T. Swift till a few months ago. Would you care to inform me I would love to know these people.
Times where tough, he had to outsource his company to keep his company alive while he spends every second beating up thugs. He ended up selling all his shares to pay for his habit and now is a homeless man(hence the hair binder to keep his long hair out of his face) and he got into a minor brawl with a bouncer of a…
I am curious and maybe a little overly curious that I am prying into things I don’t belong but... what the heck did they say to you, you are making me worried about ever having kids now.
Amazingly spoken, wow you said what I was thinking about this movie better then I could.
I disagree well only on the last part while hate speech may be ugly and evil but it still is protected by the first amendment if “hateful words” was not protected would be a very very slippery slope after all how does one define as loose a label as hate speech? While the rest I agree with the rest of her statement she…
To be fair he would have to find someone who wants to be his intern, and what kind of people are going to be the ones applying to be an intern for Paul Ryan?
Oh I can never resist a chance to experience some sweet sax.
I agree, I tried being a average guy in Skyrim but found out that trying to play more then a few hours as a dirt farmer gets super boring. Oh boy my cabbages came in!
Trade anything you say? What about the money he asked for in the ad instead of robbing and killing him? Sounded like a fair trade to me.
Hey I do work night shift and my neighbor is really loudly, you can hear him laugh at his tv and listen to his porn. I wouldn’t mind if he was a little more quiet.