Arili O

HAHAHAHAHA someone at work once tried to give me one of these stupid things! Like 'OMG Burt, look how tiny and precious this is, can you believe this is what a baby actually looks like when it's in your belly?" trying to be all sly about talking about this shit to co-worker. I dropped it on the floor, stomped it with

I assume one reason people arent thinking about female alcholics as much because when women are psychologically suffering, they tend to take it out mostly on themselves, whereas men take it out on others.

The average Afghan citizen didn't care for their taliban. It stands to reason that we wouldn't like ours either.

Oprah has done a fuckton more for charity than you ever will. You'll find that the line for your kind forms To The Left.

But Heaven’s floodgates open when we stop making excuses!

Yeah, I mean we hear all the time about the poor white guy who couldn't get across the Pettus Bridge in time to visit his dying mother in 1965.

But a lot of those assumed their historic significance in hindsight. At the time they were just demonstrations that occupied the streets and inconvenienced people. It's now that we look back on them in a wider context that we see them as grand and important. You can't really know at the time that a march is

Right, because protests never amount to anything

the whole point of the demonstration is to be an inconvenience, to disrupt, and to cause notice. And it's a great way to get things done. Its worked many times in the past and will work many times in the future.

So that's you. You don't speak for everyone.

They're preparing to shoot people for peacefully walking down the street? Jesus fucking Christ, this shit is insane.

I am technically a millenial. (Born in 1983.) Being a little bit older than the people commonly lumped into the "millenial" label, I was actually trying hard to be a grown-up and make a living during the financial collapse. I didn't have a degree because, believe it or not, it was not a requirement when I graduated


Hey, if he wants to hold to strong religious convictions about how immoral and wrong premarital sex is and for some mysterious reason he can't seem to be satisfied knowing that those heathens'll SURELY be punished in the afterlife and they need to be punished NOW, then who are we to call him a sexist or a misogynist

Yeah, well, Lord Licorice got deported from Saudi Arabia for being too handsome.