Arili O

I would buy these for myself and for my daughter.

Thank you SO MUCH for mentioning this book. My 7 year old recently told us he’s interested “in history” and he’s really difficult to shop for, so I just ordered him a copy of “Poop Happened” for Giftmas. He’ll think it’s hilarious (and I actually want to read it as well). I know it says 4-8th grade but he reads well

One of my sons is named Patrick. We call him “Patch,” which definitely fits him (his older sister, my daughter, started it and it stuck). So you don’t have to use Pat!

Right after my fiance moved in with me, his decrepit old bitch of a cat decided to knock my cell phone off my nightstand onto the floor, where somehow she managed to shatter the screen even through the case and cover. I’m convinced she did it on purpose.

Oh man, when I was dating I NEVER let my date pick me up and take me to wherever we were going. No thanks, I’ll meet you there. I like having an escape method if things go south (obviously that was different once we got “serious”).

Gosh it’s like you’ve met my fiance and myself. Are .... are you me?

FULL DISCLAIMER: I’m a fan of Welsh Cheddar cheese and am eating some while I read Jez today.

Poop issues and other jokes aside, this concoction sounds like MURDER on your gallbladder. Seriously, any person who has ever had gallbladder distress would merely have to sniff a cup of this nonsense before winding up in the hospital with a spasming, screaming gallbladder problem that makes you want to dig out the

I’d say fairly big. My kids were average in the seven-and-three-quarters range and I’m hoping my current one won’t be much bigger than that, because popping out their heads is no joke, sister.

I’m at 7 months with my fourth right now. I remember being SO SCARED of the idea of the pain of labor before having my oldest son. You’ll be perfectly fine - just remember, your body is made to do this! Stay relaxed, keep a person near you (your partner, best friend, or a relative maybe) who is calming and focused on

Isn’t that half the fun of Dark Souls though?

EXACTLY. You can always spot a bad dps player by how they react to that kind of censure, too. The terrible ones blame the healer for not rushing into said fire to pull them out. Fuck ‘em, I don’t wanna group with them if they’re like that. I just want to have fun, get my gear, and get out, and there are millions of

You know, I’ve heard that same theory - many gamers are convinced that if you eschew leetspeak and you use punctuation, you MUST be female. I actually really enjoy trying to guess my guildies’ genders when they don’t voice (I know, it’s weird, but it’s a secret girl club thing) so I wonder how many people were totally

Eh, losers say what they have to in order to preserve their epeens. If they knew what they were talking about you might not have killed them!

Longtime MMO PvPer here. I have to say that none of the best players I’ve gone up against have made an issue of my gender. They target me because I’m a pain in the ass if they leave me alive, and they make that clear via game/community messages. The ones who focus on the fact that I’m a woman are usually not good

Any DPS who pulls and bursts early deserves what they get. If I’m calling the raid I’ll instruct the healers to let them die. Screw that nonsense.

I’m a longtime gamer and frequently lead PvP groups via voice chat. Men learned a long time ago that fucking with me on the basis of my gender rather than my ability meant they got booted from the group and then they missed out on all those sweet sweet kills. New people get one warning, and then they get told to gtfo.

My eight year old is this exact demographic. She has an American Girl doll she adores (who also has the personality of a total bitch, apparently) and knows every word to every Taylor Swift song. It’s kind of adorable but she’s definitely still a kid.

Meanwhile, the onion rings at Sonic are .... sugary. There is sugar and vanilla in that batter, I kid you not. My fiance loves them but I cannot even smell them without getting sick.

Yeah, it’s crazy. I picked up like, 7 cabinet units for free on Craigslist in my city and listed them on a retro forum. Someone bought them from me for a decent amount about a month later. I was tempted to keep them but I wasn’t sure how long we’d be renting; they’re kinda neat. Not necessarily the pink color ones,