Arili O

That would be my nightmare. We recently drove from Colorado to Oklahoma for a family function thing and I saw these monster black hornets that were like, 3 inches long. I wish that was an exaggeration. Having just one of those in my bedroom would probably give me a heart attack AND start premature labor all at the

I feel you! We have a crack in our (basement) bedroom that sprung a leak during spring/summer rains too and my landlord’s solution was to fill it with caulking. >.< That of course didn’t address the problems related to water sheeting down our bedroom wall .... Landlords, amirite? However, I’m sure you’ll find a good

With my oldest son, I was nauseous ALL the TIME. My doctor just kept telling me that it would pass after the first trimester, but of course it didn’t. The smell of water made me sick, even! FINALLY they put me on meds around the 15 week mark, and I was instantly better. I recommend Zofran, it worked so much better for

Not to derail your much-more-important discussion with my side thought, but those metal cabinets you’re talking about are very sought-after by retro enthusiasts. Selling them (if they’re in good condition) could very well pay for a significant portion of your kitchen renovation, meaning that you won’t worry so much

Khaleesi isn’t a given name, it’s a title. The character’s name is Daenerys.

I buy Kotex products specifically because of the black or brightly colored wrappers! I’m not a pastel pink kind of woman, tyvm.

Good for you getting some distance. I too have bad dreams about my mother - in many of mine, she’s trying to physically assault my children and I’m defending them from their own grandmother. Once I had a vivid dream that ended with me bolting awake after stabbing her with a (phillips!) screwdriver for calling my

Hawaii, I guess.

We’re about an hour away from the Denver store, and my seven-year-old literally will ask when we’re going back to IKEA so he can play in the play area. That’s a long way to go if I don’t even have a $2 pack of cups in mind, kiddo! lol

It’s definitely me. All the people in my life know this and so I am the designated car-packer. My ex husband has even gotten me to help his wife and him via Skype from several states away.

We just put our kids in the play area, which they LOVE. So then we get 90 minutes guilt-free to wander around, find the perfect thing, browse the marketplace, discuss getting that other thing we saw, and having a snack, before retrieving the children. It’s win-win for everyone.

My fiance and I are really good at assembling IKEA furniture as a team. But then, we met in a video game and really do well with figuring out puzzles together.

I have such a fear of needles. This would be a nopenopeNOPE for me.

And sweating. Don’t forget that we can use it to treat our armpits.

Hey hey hey. Don’t knock the Utilikilt. They’re basically a modern kilt with pockets and shit. Nothing wrong with that.

hahaha! I love my children so much but my fiance and I definitely tease the shit out of all of them. Does it ever seem like your kids’ friend’s parents are just NO FUN?

You know, it might actually be, but I’m sure my daughter would hate it anyway.

Mine were burgundy and I only owned them because my aunt was cool! She bought them for me with a gray crop top and the outfit was so freaking cute. Best thing I owned in middle school, hands down.

I’m so sorry for your humiliation. That said .... (and please keep in mind that I’m a fairly terrible human being) if one of my kids were in a similar situation I would probably pee my pants from laughing so hard. I’d be totally useless to help them because I would be rolling on the floor crying my eyes out with

I drink, and my fiance does not. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten his flavored lemonade shit while they hand over my delicious porter to him. BLAHHHH.