Arili O

I’m going to hazard a guess, based purely on this guy’s political party and the fact that he’s married with three children (all hail The Google), that he doesn’t do much of the grocery shopping in his household. It’s really difficult for this anecdata to be remotely true if he’s not even conversant with the layout of

I was just discussing this with my fiance. The only time we buy steak is when we find it marked 30%-50% (or sometimes 70%!) off in the clearance section at Safeway. This is also how I buy all the yogurt my family eats. If my local store ever tightens their ordering margins, my diet will be greatly reduced in the meat

I am absolutely convinced that fucktards like this guy would like to make bread exempt from the SNAP program. “You’re not working hard enough to buy your own food, so use your EBT benefits for flour and yeast, and make your own bread!” BLAHHHHHHHHHH

My fiance and I went to a gourmet burger place downtown yesterday. Our lunch came out to like, $38 for two burgers, a plate of fries, and two milkshakes (boozy milkshakes omg it was so good!). THIRTY EIGHT DOLLARS on lunch. My parents would have cried. Sometimes I sit back and I'm just amazed at the things I can have

haha! You probably have a point. Besides, they say potatoes are nearly completely nutritious for you (yeah, I have no source, it's early here) and there are times when I basically live on mashed potatoes for a week at a time. I can't tell ANYONE about preferred nutrition. I know from when I was struggling with money,

I like Olive Garden too. It's a holdover from growing up poor and going once with my family as this big special treat type meal. ONE TIME. I know there's better food out there now, and we can afford it, but it gives me warm fuzzy feels to take my family there like it's NBD.

I absolutely agree. I also really dislike the people who rant about the "kinds" of food that are allowed with SNAP, like steak, or cake, or hell, a frozen pizza. Like you say, the idea is to nourish people, but just because people need food assistance does not mean they should be handed 50lbs of potatoes and 20lbs of

I agree! This poor woman would literally sell you her SNAP benefits for half of their value and it was for shit like baby supplies, and she was WORKING at the time. It makes me so sad to think about. She got all my kids' hand-me-downs. I don't have much, but at least I could do that.

You have just described my average trip to the local Irish pub.

A few years ago I had a coworker who would trade some of her EBT balance for things like diapers and stuff. Not legal but sometimes people do what they gotta do to get by. :(

Just sell it on Craigslist for cash at a discount.

My fiance and I use Spotify on our phones. It's $10/mo and we can stream it, and we have endless data on our phones.

I think exposure to children turns everyone into some degree of hardass.

Having lived through my share of this type of experience in school, I make sure to emphasize to my kids repeatedly that if they need the bathroom for WHATEVER reason, get up and go. I give no fucks about teacher authority when it comes to needing the facilities. I tell the kids to take care of their bodies and I'll

Oh man. That's a case where the MiL even has the right idea and it's STILL terrible. Can you just imagine learning that your spouse's parent took YOUR child and got it any kind of drug treatment without your knowledge/consent? That's probably grounds for legal action against the MiL and will at least make holidays a

Ugh. Mother-in-law behavior can be the worst behavior. That is MY child, not yours! Yours is an adult and helped me make mine, so you're done already woman. Hands off.

That's okay. If I can live without Chick-fil-a and make myself a grilled chicken sandwich at home, I can find alternatives to other organizations helmed by shitty people whenever it comes to my attention.

Green eyeshadow is great for brown eyes, particularly warm-toned ones. My daughter loves to play with it and it always makes her eye color pop.

I was also confused and intrigued by the mustard ointment thing. I wanted to know if it really worked and why. I used The Google and found the following:

That's great! It always feels good to have someone compliment you when you did something a little different.