Arili O

Yeah, I hate when my son puts trash on top of the full kitchen bin instead of taking it out and putting a new bag in. OMG it's like sitting on top of the trash can, child! blahhhhhh

In addition to the big stuff, I suggest you talk about things that make you nuts or that you absolutely expect privacy with. For instance, I cannot have my shampoo bottles moved. I need to be able to grab whatever I want in the shower with my eyes closed, or I get super upset. It's dumb, I know it's dumb, but it

When I got married my then-bf and I had no money, two kids, and other priorities. We had a little ceremony on our back porch and my sister got a certificate online (for free) so she could legally officiate. We had a bbq in the yard and everyone ate and had a great time. I made my own cake, which was super easy to do.


My problem with Disney isn't about the amount of emphasis the company places on its female characters, it's that they're (almost) all passive pretty-pretty-princesses rather than well-rounded characters. I don't like that my daughter's cultural icons teach her that it's about the dress and the hair and the perfect

Please don't speak for all atheists. Rand was a remarkable, if deeply flawed, person.

I don't understand why someone would rather be wrong than be corrected by walking ovaries. :/

There are lots of women who do complain about their breasts being too large. Myself included.

Is her dress made out of that textured minky fabric that baby blankets are made from?

No, no we cannot. How about you not judge what sexual practices other consenting adults are into?

See, here's the thing. It's my butthole, and they're my sheets, and I really don't care about your opinion of any contact between them. I will sleep naked because I like to sleep naked. So there.

I think you're thinking of "The Lusty Argonian Maid," which was a naughty book in TES series.

Magical Irritating Customer Voodoo. I LOVE it.

Hugs for you and sympathy. I grew up with a parent who regularly said horrible things to me and it is hard to shake those words off. Remember that YOU are a good, whole, complete person and that no one - no matter who he is to you - has the right to make you feel shitty. Also please evaluate whether your love for this

You totally did the right thing. Good for you for sticking to your principles! People like that disgust me and I'd like to think I'd have done the same thing in your position.

It's all that damned yoga. Clearly I need to get off my butt.

Yeah, I don't care what he's wearing. Dude is HOT and I don't mind objectifying dat ass.

Please show me a laptop and the accompanying advertising campaign for this car/sport laptop. Oh, there isn't one, you say? Could it be that it's stupid and stereotypical and companies and marketing teams recognize that such a product would be insulting and condescending to consumers? Much like, I dunno, a FLORAL

Well, you pretty much have a couple of choices here:

Dat hair. My flat and completely un-curlable hair is just sad by comparison.