
Out of those not yet mentioned, "Queen of Cans and Jars", "Clutch Came Slinking", "Unleashed! The Large-Hearted Boy", "Chicken Blows", "It's Like Soul Man"…

I think I need to dissassamble the foil pipe I use to smoke weed and turn it into a hat. I'll get ash and resin in my hair, but it's all the better for completing my disheveled and shower deprived internet commentator look.

So fellas, what's your favorite episode thus far?
Gotta give a shout out to my main mang Cat Fingers.

Nah, the first two seasons are pretty much all gold, and even the weaker moments from 3 and 4 aren't so bad as to justify a skip.

Star Wars Episode VII: Lando Unchained

Star Wars Episode VII: Attack of the Bone

He sleeps in the park and shaves in the dark.

Yes, I've seen most (I think all?) of the episodes you mention - my opinion still stands. That sort of stuff (the 'darkness') doesn't necessarily impress me just because they had the guts to do it - I demand a good execution! Though Simon & Marcy is pretty good.
Maybe I'm still burnt at the absolutely atrocious

The ending of this episode is the best argument yet that nothing about the show is meant to be taken literally.

It's obvious the side of AT you enjoy is not the same one that I enjoy.
The way I view things, Adventure Time is the most inconsistent show on television, and possibly the most inconsistent piece of non-sketch based professionally produced media to ever exist. When they're on their A-game, they make future classics,

Actually, yes. I like Regular Show more than AT as well. Steven Universe too.
Adventure Time kind of lost its way after season two for me, though that's all due to personal taste.

Beverly Hills FLOP

Taking valuable comment real estate to rep Clarence, my new favorite show on Monday nights. It's one of the best depictions I've ever seen of what it's like to be a kid, and it's heartfelt and hilarious to boot.
I'm done bothering you, feel free to go about your business.

Surely people THIS elitist are chosen by God, I'm sure your attitude is nicely complimented by the size of your genitalia.

Has anyone brought up that this is the same dude who did The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny and the Potter Puppet Pals?
Amazing how he's stayed relavent on this wild n' crazy ride we call the internet.

The more I read Martin quotes, the more I realize that South Park was dead-on.

Elsewhere, Ringo stares at his carpet in confusion.
For reasons that have nothing to do with hearing these mashups.