Elvis Marie Presley

They are at the point where they need to fully commit to Kavanaugh or ditch him quick. The time is running out (if not already gone) on getting someone before the election, and that could have the effect on higher turnout (which never turns out well for the GOP). After that they will either have to lame duck push him

Her uncle contacted the local police and county sheriff’s offices, which launched an investigation but closed it after two months”

Love to see these fuckers outed. If every man’s dirty secret was exposed, society as we know it would implode. We have a way of life built on the tacit agreement that we protect male sexual predators.

I love everything you said here.  I remember the "trial" too.  And he can not / will not be the Savior of the Democratic party.

I will never forget how Anita Hill was treated and he ran those hearings.
I 100% do understand that the Joe Biden today has been woken up to a lot of things by his wife and the Obamas and that he is far from the running for President plagarist hairplugs Joe Biden of that time.
I like this Joe Biden a lot better, but it

It’s becoming increasingly clear that what they all want to say, but can’t quite bring themselves to openly admit, is “Brett Kavanaugh is of our tribe, therefore we will defend him against outsiders.” It’s the only defense they need. He’s a conservative, so he’s always right. They don’t want to admit that’s how they

Jesus Christ McGillicuddy...Are these folks really going to vote to confirm someone to a lifetime appointment of the Supreme fucking Court who has a credible allegation of rape hanging over his head? Like, is that seriously what they’re going to do?

This could be the start of a new (D-List) celebrity trend! I mean, I’d definitely buy Sarah Palin’s tears or Barbeque Becky’s. Or Melanie Trump’s.

Film reimagining: A 12 hour period wherein women get revenge on the men who hurt them and they won’t be charged for it: the purge

Yeah, he squicks me out in a major way. Plus, between Mischa, Lohan and now Demi, I worry that he might not be the most effective sober coach out there. Perhaps he’s not the healthiest person to remain in her life?

Last I heard, polls show swing voters in red states don’t find Kavanaugh a deciding factor. Dems in red states shouldn’t have to worry about Kavanaugh. 

I wish I can say that I’m surprised, but I’m not.

Mark Judge, the man Christine Blasey Ford says was in the room when Kavanaugh tried to sexually assault her, says he has “no memory of this alleged incident” and that he does not “wish to speak publicly about the incidents described.”

Here’s a little bit of info about Kavanaugh’s “alleged” co-attacker, Mark Judge, from the Washington Post. Apparently, he really loves Noel Coward and domestic violence:

Had a great conversation just last night about how important men are to the #metoo movement, have also had great conversations with my male boss about misogyny in the legal field and his role and responsibility in actively promoting our female associate including language and perceptions.

I got to see an advanced screening of this a couple weeks ago and what really struck me was that it’s NOTHING like what the trailers try to paint it as. I went in expecting pure noir mystery but what I got was off-the-rails camp and I LOVED IT.

I read the Dallas Morning News piece this morning. The ‘explanatory note’ on dropping Helen Keller was a boiled down explanation that social activism, no matter how just or peacefully it is conducted, is not an example of citizenship, because the only examples of citizenship that should be upheld are those of law

Don’t know the context of this person’s comment around raising boys, but masculinity and expectations of boys and men is at the heart of the issue. Unless you subscribe to some sort of essentialism as to why men and boys are almost exclusively the perpetuators of these kinds of assaults and murders, a large part of

If you go back to work and breastfeed, that’s basically your option. Not everyone can or wants to stay home.

I also never pumped, though.  I was one of those awful formula feeding moms.

“We want to reassure the citizens of Laredo that the community and your families are safe”... unless you're undocumented or a woman or a sex worker or...