Elvis Marie Presley

I’m starting to firmly believe that I’ll see Row v. Wade reversed in my lifetime and am sick to my stomach.

“Kennedy warned of “how relentless authoritarian regimes are in their attempt to stifle free speech,” drawing a parallel to California.”

On Twitter, NARAL President Ilyse Hogue called the decision hypocritical, drawing a comparison between laws that force “doctors to lie” and today’s decision. “Make no mistake,” Hogue wrote, “they are setting the stage for a direct hit on Roe v. Wade.”

There must never be a redemption arc for the GOP. Destroy them utterly. Leave them so completely neutered and destitute that they’re never able to rebuild the tatters of their garbage fucking party.

But hey, lots of people feel good about their votes in 2016, right? That’s what matters. When Roe falls in a year or two, you’ll still have that to hold on to.

Like... he really thinks people like him? We’re not laughing with you, little buddy.

All these straight white men with their hard-ons for disruption can go eat a bag of dicks. 

This is the most dystopian thing I’ve ever read. 

Justice Sonia Sotomayor issued the dissent in that case, joined by the court’s three liberal judges:

Do you know the makeup of the court?  That’s pretty much the only fact you need to bring to the table to break the vote down.

I read this story last night and its goddamn awful all over but one thing that really stuck out to me. To the doctors who protected this guy: fuck you. You have a duty to your patients. Not some fucking system. Not your other doctors. If a patient comes to you and you can see there has been dangerous misconduct you.

Yeah, we know. Trump was elected because racist people want to keep being racist and celebrate racist people.

So then textbooks will stop rewriting slavery as a guest worker program? Since we’re talking about flossing over history and all...

Personally, I think it is VERY important that kids see racism, sexism etc in action so they can understand what it looks like and why it’s wrong. I wouldn’t let a kid read these books totally unsupervised, but I wouldn’t rule them out entirely. I got a lot of my love of the outdoors and desire to do things like cook,

In general, I often change the things I find offensive in books when I read to my kids. But, it is typically in picture books. I love Monsters Eat Whiny Children, but there’s one line when they are discussing making a whiny-child cake and the monster’s wife says she can’t eat sweets because her bottom is too big, and

This is definitely a good move. I was obsessed her books as a child (I went from them to Harry Potter) but looking at those books with 21st century eyes makes it clear that we shouldn’t be holding them up as something to emulate.

My boyfriend does this whenever we have to wear nice clothing. He had the audacity to complain about his dress shoes being uncomfortable when I was wearing heels. I get that it's acceptable for men to wear sneakers all the damn time, but it's not like I killed the nerves on my feet. I've just learned to live with

People who think their feelings are more important that providing healthcare to a person should not work in healthcare in any capacity.

Men are so sad when a violent, repugnant man is murdered. They save all their sadness up in case the murder happens; that must be why they have no fucks to spare for the victims of these men.

Why should other patrons be forced to dine with people actively committing human rights violations? People who torture children should eat at home. Remember, “I was just following orders” isn’t a defense. 

Can you.