I’m afraid I automatically have to side with Paul’s neighbor, based on Paul’s Libertarian politics and his Resting Asshole Face.
I’m afraid I automatically have to side with Paul’s neighbor, based on Paul’s Libertarian politics and his Resting Asshole Face.
“But, perhaps most important, the Los Angeles Police Department is now investigating 52 complaints against Tyndall, who has said he plans to continue practicing well into his 80s”
On important documents, yes. However, having whatever your legal sex is on your license really isn’t that important. Having preferred gender instead of sex isn’t going to change anything.
When I was studying for the LSAT, one of my reference books had a collection of “good” and “bad” personal statement samples. No two samples were alike, and I was having a really hard time trying to figure out what law schools thought was a good statement. (Still never figured that out.)
And this is precisely why Donald Trump should never have been elected President. He is a complete buffoon who is easily manipulated. He was never a good dealmaker in business, and clearly he’s out of his league on foreign policy. Listening to him praise North Korea after all of their human rights violations was…
Were this a WH menu, go crazy. Were this a political document with geopolitical implications, it would be worthy of scrutiny.
Also: steam broccolini instead of steamed.
If I hear asylum seekers referred to as illegal immigrants or attempting to enter illegally I’m going to scream. It is perfectly legal to present yourself at a boarder crossing and request asylum. People are being arrested and detained and their children taken away for a completely legal act. The media is failing to…
This fucking evil shitstain is causing so much pain and suffering singlehandedly. I hope he reaps what he’s sowing tenfold.
“Some of them heard their children screaming for them in the next room,” congresswoman Pramila Jayapal told the Washington Post of immigrant women held in a federal prison facility who had been separated from their children. “Not a single one of them had been allowed to say goodbye or explain to them what was…
That’s what it’s all about, right there.
I know it’s assault, but sometimes you have to take a stand. someone should have kicked his fucking teeth in. When I was younger me and my moms were homeless for a few months, the mental toll it takes on you is staggering and the fact you have nothing to look forward to. White people in this fucking country are…
It’s a sad day in Ontario, where the late Toronto Mayor Rob Ford’s younger brother, Doug Ford, was just elected to lead the province. Ford is basically Trump lite, with a history of misogyny whose only clear policy platforms includes tax cuts for the rich and powerful.
If I say, “My parents were placed in internment camps.” and your response is, “Oh, Konnichiwa!” That’s....so disrespectful.
Anyone know what the implications of passing this and getting it in the constitution would be? Obviously, it wouldn’t happen until 2020 even if another state goes for it, but I’m interested in what it will mean for:
I really like John Goodman, Laurie Metcalf, Wanda Sykes, et al, but fuck them for trying to pretend they didn’t know Roseanne Barr is a racist piece of shit. I’m glad they lost their jobs and fuck the idea of “The Connor Family” or whatever other bullshit people are suggesting. I’ll be happy to see the have other…
In an interview with Breitbart, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke defended greeting a Japanese-American congresswoman with “konnichiwa” after she spoke of her grandfather’s detention in a Japanese internment camp. His excuse: He has loads of Japanese friends whose families lived in internment camps. [CNN]
he describes himself as a detached and hyper-logical champion of human rights
The visibility of such accusations of bias has added fuel to a growing and increasingly mainstream men’s rights movement, the central conceit of which is that feminism’s victories have overcorrected, making America a dangerous place for the straight, white, and male.
He said the she had been “emotionally aggressive,” insulted his lack of arousal, and demanded oral sex.