Elvis Marie Presley

It infuriates me how the old Republican dudes in the Senate know nothing about babies/motherhood while at the same time obsess over restricting abortion rights, the availability of birth control, affordable healthcare for babies, etc. From an article about passing the law to allow Duckworth’s baby on the floor:

That last picture of her is so frickin’ awesome. She looks so thrilled to be back and having her baby with her. And if that’s not a look of sheer exhausted joy I don’t know what is!

“But what if there are 10 babies on the floor of the Senate?”

Lol you mean the “lets not make it easy to kill people” brand? If that’s unsavory to you then maybe you should learn to remove human flesh from your diet.

We already know it’s not. I’ve seen people suggest that the scarcity will give women more power and options, but except for the highly educated elite with the opportunity to leverage their situation, the opposite has been true. Women in China are increasingly being kidnapped by “bride brokers” who are paid by

Whatever happens, it probably won’t be good for women...

It would certainly solve the world’s stray cat problems.

It’s telling how just the title “Too Many Men” is foreboding. The brief “only rarely have sex” is a chilling omen in 4 words, a direct threat to the safety of millions of women.

The solution is more man-eating predators.

Two somewhat common bumper stickers here in Colorado Springs where these fuckers call home.

This is really condescending and oversimplified and completely unhelpful. I’m a producer in Los Angeles with insurance and my out of pocket for my twins was still almost ten thousand dollars. Maybe that’s not a lot of money to you but I sure did everything by the books and it’s a lot of money to me to be expected to

Never forget.

This comment thread is depressing as fuck.

I think he said he never “paid” Cohen or kept him on retainer, too. If that’s the case:

I read an article a few years back about a woman who chose to donate the body of her preemie baby to scientific research. It was interesting because she literally got to trace the various labs and hospitals that her son’s tissues went to and even was allowed to go into a few of them and interview researchers who

I think it is kind of funny that so many people bemoan how only lawyers and people whose daddy was in politics run, but then when Nixon throws her hat in they complain, too. I don’t see how someone with an arts background is any less qualified to be a politician than a former soldier or astronaut, but no one says that

Girl scout camp is one of the jewels of the scouting program. I went to an east coast GSA sleep away camp (“Hello, all you men and monkeys!”) for a decade and it it contributed to building a worldview where women could do anything.

The cookie program has some flaws, and any adult that participates knows it’s a pain in the ass. It sucks that the girls earn so little, BUT most of the girls have a lot of fun doing it and love being able to use cookie credits to go to camp. The troop I mentored for robotics was a lower income area, there was no way

I spent nearly half a year homeless and two of the first things to go are a sense of pride and community. The article above even states that by being in this troop and having this sale that these girls feel less isolated.

She probably wants to feel safe in her bedroom because thats where she was molested as a kid. She’s the one who said she sat up awake every night terrified.