Elvis Marie Presley

I’m a high school teacher. On Thursday we had a scheduled lock-down drill. After this shooting, I took it upon myself to explain to my kids how very real and necessary the lock-down drills are to keeping them safe. I had to coach them on the safest places in the classroom to hide so they wouldn’t be seen from the

I absolutely want to fight about this. While I’m not anti-dog, per se, I am anti many dog owners. I don’t own any dogs, don’t plan to ever own dogs and think it’s not too much to ask four things of dog owners:

Journalists do important work. But anyone hounding a child (because teenagers are still children) after such a traumatic experience for comment or an interview or image permissions is a piece of shit. Anyone doing this while the event is actively continuing needs to take a real look at their life and wonder how they

Hi, can this be the pinned story instead of the boobs? Please?

I know he’s a good snowboarder and all, but I cannot stand this dude.

Is it though, at it’s center? As a legal aid attorney who works with welfare recipients, I see two problems with SNAP.

I said this on the Splinter article on this subject, but I’ll bet “logistical issues” for delivery will keep SNAP in place as is for rural users and this will only affect urban users

YES! Earlier today on the bond article I remarked I am tired of just using women to cover for reboots of old men’s stories.

Yea, as Jon Lovett eloquently put it: the problem with working at the White House is that you are surrounded by the kind of people who would take a job in this White House.

Its’s ok when you ask someone where they’re from. It’s not ok when you follow up with “no, but where are you from........”

“I want ice cream.” = “Immigrants are rapists and murderers.”

Everyone’s mourning Michelle’s protrait, like she didn’t pick the artist herself. She knew Sherald made flat dimension, surrealist portraiture that emphasizes quirky clothing and accessories on the subject and picked that look on purpose and did not argue the pose when she sat for it. Let her have this please.

Because.... Believe it or not, the Netherlands recognizes only Dutch as its official language! Such a thing does not exist in the US, so why would be English the reference ?

Obama and Michelle chose the artists, so I think they wanted them to be different for a reason. I love Obama’s portrait, but I agree that Michelle’s doesn’t look like her at all.

What? They have women in their pod casts all the time. This whole comment is bizarre.

On the most recent episode of Pod Save America they discussed how the White House feels it *must* defend abusers at all costs (unless the abuser is a Democrat, of course), because to do otherwise leads to the implication that Trump is wrong as well, as he is also an abuser. They’ve backed themselves into a corner,

I’ve seen some commenters here say that the fact that Woody “only” molested one child is somehow enough evidence that he didn’t even do that. I think this is Law and Order: SUV’s fault. Somehow we all now believe we are experts on child molesters and their behavior and we just KNOW that there MUST be more because NO

Honestly? It would have to fall on whoever is the next Dear Leader of NK maintaining an official line of anti-Western, Best Korea rhetoric while gradually allowing more and more reforms that opened the country up to Western trade. Best case scenario I can imagine is a non-unified Korean peninsula where the North

Absolutely, the more I think about this anecdote, the more it absolutely fucking INFURIATES me. This was a man in a position of power wielding it to basically steal a child through the threat of executing that power. The man should be thrown off the force, not lauded at the SOTU. What a despicable display of abuse of

Honestly, the way things Trump touches turn to shit I would not be surprised to see this couple arrested within the decade for horrible child abuse.