Elvis Marie Presley

There’s no way it happened that quickly. More likely, she knew she was leaving and decided to throw caution to the wind and speak the truth, without having to worry about what faux liberal white ladies would do. The backlash in the media didn’t seem as bad as I expected, actually.

Please please please let this mean she is running for office.

There are many many reasons to hate the USOC, but it seems at least here they’ve been out in front of this. Last year the long time USAG head, Steve Penny was doing nothing, it was the USOC who called for him to quit. In response the USAG board, including Mary Lou Retton, unanimously voted their support of him.

When contemplating non-primate animals, I’m often struck by how many species enjoy being petted/brushed, and how sad it is that so few species have hands they can do this with. People are lucky in that we get to give all the pets.

I think Darren Aronofsky is going to be one of those who get away with any harassment. The guy’s a fucking creep, his films seem obsessed with putting young women in abusive situations, and he seems to date as close to half his age as he can get.

Wait, are you blaming the victims for getting themselves killed?

Do you still have a passport?

Everything I’ve seen says that Trump thinks of Hope Hicks like a daughter, so he’s definitely fucking her.

Meehan has prioritized sexual assault as a congressman.

Remind me again about how women’s rights are playing identity politics and they’re a distraction?

This Aziz Ansari story has really shaken me. As some of you may remember (or maybe not, I’m certainly not that important), a month or two ago something finally clicked in my head- that I had been sexually assaulted when I was a teenager by my boyfriend at the time. We were both 16 (plus or minus a year, I can’t quite

1. We do have a term for it - sexual coercion. It covers encounters like this that aren’t necessarily illegal, but aren’t exactly super consensual either, because one person made the other person feel like they couldn’t refuse sex. When someone is ignoring your attempts to shut sex down, it’s hard to be 100% sure that

God he was so hot. I was OBSESSED as a young teen. This brings back fond memories :)

Time has been so cruel to William:

“I’m an adult, and I’m listening, and I’m sorry it took this long.”

I just want to thank Deadspin and Jezebel for giving this the frontline attention it needs and deserves. Other outlets are giving it so little attention relative to its importance it is very disheartening.  I listen to the radio in the morning on the way to work and you would have little idea this was happening if

she’ll be running against incumbent Ben Cardin, a centrist Democrat

“This is a women’s march. We’re supposed to be allies in equal pay, marriage, adoption. Why is it now about, ‘White women don’t understand black women’?”

I was 36 weeks pregnant and had been in the hospital within the last two days with false labor and a stomach flu. I figured it was better for me to stay home and make some big donations rather than go into labor in the middle of the march. But sure, tell me how I was failing the cause.

I’d say it’s incredible that MSU is allowed to operate sports programs under the auspices of the NCAA, but then I remember there was a real chance Penn State could have made it to the CFB playoffs