The other thing that kills me is the inherent shame and guilt that, of course, must fall on the CHILD because of bullshit Christian teachings. Honestly, like whenever anyone wrings their hands and frets over why I am now an atheist, I really just wanna answer that it’s because I fucking went to bed every night as a…
When I was 7-8 years old, my dad was the pastor of a small little church in Wilmington NC. There was a man in his 20s who was very involved in the church. He had dark hair and dark eyes and he was tall and slender with olive skin and I remember thinking that he was very cute. It should all have been very innocent, but…
Honestly I am just so sick to fucking death of American Christian church rhetoric. Like I’m so fucking sick of megachurches and smarmy, self-righteous pastors and everyone being so FUCKING INSANE about sex and sexuality. I’m sick of this country’s Pence-yness and I’m sick of disgusting religious nonsense having any…
yep. combine that with the obsession with (female) sexual purity and deeply skewed power dynamic, and you literally could not concoct a more predatory environment.
How old is too old to drive a teen in your congregation to a secluded road without her permission and demand she touch you sexually?
Agreed. My only point is that I’m surprised more people didn’t even go for the shallow response. Like that’s how low of importance this is to them.
I understand the hesitancy because they don’t want to say the wrong thing and have that be blasted all over blogs and social media.
I... got it. Thanks.
Because these stories are very layered and are about more than the horrific crimes that are on the surface.
I love this anecdote so much because you’ve aptly described what happens every fucking day at places like Google to the point I bet those dudes would be horrified at your comment.
Fuck this douchebag. He would still be employed and thriving at Google if he hadn’t circulated that offensive memo via company channels. He didn’t lose his job because Google is prioritizing minority hires, he lost it because he wrote and disseminated a backwards-ass diatribe. If it wasn’t so frustrating, it would be…
Could not get past the first sentence. What does this have to do with O.J.?
Woody Allen is such a mystery to me. Obviously he’s super gross and really, really, really likely a pedophile. I mean he married his step daughter. A girl he knew since she was a little kid, saw her grow up, then had sexual relations with her, and married her. BARF. I could care less if they are madly in love, that’s…
Funny how the hammer came down on an Asian-American fraternity when all of these white boys are out here violating the rules of their colleges and fraternities left and right.
At least one of them could’ve literally said that though.
this is fucking exhausting. all of it. the bad dudes exhaust me. the bad dudes who i liked but now can’t like because they’re bad dudes. keeping track of all the bad dudes.
What I saw going on with this post? Is this Breitbart or Jezebel? It’s been widely reported those Meryl posters were the work of an alt right troll mad at Streep’s denunciation of our predator president, not something feminists or anyone else should be lauding.
Here’s a quote from stylist Erica Cloud on ABC News: