Elvis Marie Presley

Among the many things about our current political climate that make we want to scream into a pillow until I pass out is the absolute obsession these dumb shits have with wasting time and money trying to criminalize abortion.

Republicans are exhausting. Millions of children live in poverty and are food insecure. People die every day from gun violence, and some of it is committed by police officers. Racism and sexism are serious problems in our society. Infrastructure in most cities is in drastic need of repair.

Harry has made the most amazing PR turn around that I’ve ever seen. A few years ago he was in the tabloids naked in Las Vegas and dressed as a Nazi for Halloween. Now he is a good buddy of Obama, devoted to charity, and marrying a charming mixed race American commoner who works for the UN. He’s everyone’s favorite

As has been said above, he was under immense pressure. The K-pop industry tends to chew people up and spit them out. He’s been open about having depression and some of his lyrics are pretty dark. In South Korea there’s a huge stigma surrounding mental illness, and not a lot of resources for those in need of help. So

Guess you missed the part at the end where he stalks her and calls her a whore huh? And the part where she’s 20 and he’s in his mid 30s.

Maybe hold off on the conspiracy theories for a bit? Just until there’s more information? I mean, he just died. And, he was a member of my favorite K-Pop group so it’s a teeny bit gauche.

“I’ve moved on,” Manchin said, “I really have moved on.”

Do you know how traumatic it was for this guy to taker orders, even theoretically, from a Black President? He’s still not over it, and probably will be on disability for the rest of his life.

Love both of these responses but especially Alissa Milano’s.

I don’t normally engage people ecpressing anti-immigrant sentiment/xeniphobia, but I majored in Economics and am the daughter of two formerly undocumented persons. I walked across the stage at my graduation from UC Berkeley while my dad sat in an ICE detetion center over 600 miles from my parents’ home. Only 2 people

Speaking of dirt bags, Doug Jones was asked about DJT and apparently was possessed by a Republican when giving his answer:

If 45 declares a fascist dictatorship, I will “told-you-so” the internet until they find and kill me.

co-owner Steve Crane warned him: “Don’t even think about messing with the waitresses—they’ve been through hell with Mario.”

“forcing immigrants in custody who want an abortion to attend right–wing, religious, anti–abortion “counseling.””

BUT WHY?! SERIOUSLY WHY?! Every woman I know with a job also has a male boss or coworker for whom she must do EVERY GOURDDAMNED THING because he just can’t! He can’t find anything in the stock room even though it’s all labeled and in the same place as always! He can’t figure out how to use the printer even though the

The birth control pill was incredibly controversial upon release and is inextricably linked to the sexual revolution and feminism. It treats all kinds of conditions, but women not being as scared of unintended pregnancy was a huge percieved threat to society. It continues to represent that threat.


Progressive ideas only make sense if you want the overall economy to grow while income inequality shrinks thanks to an educated workforce.

“If the FCC won’t stand up for a free and open internet, California will.”

All the best people.