Ariana Grande is... just is

Shame, though. It’s got dogs, cars, suspenseful bits about hats... everything really.

If this were a book cover, though, I would totally read that book.

Nice to meet you...

Fiona Clare

I just starred a gray response to a gray, and it didn’t ungray the first comment, only the one I starred?

It is surely a sign of my “raisins” that when I think of restaurant birthday songs ending “from the _______ crew,” Shoney’s is usually what I plug in there.

Half of 4th grade with a pencil taped to the side of the frame, instead of an arm. :(

I thought it was him (Jaqen H’ghar... or Tom Wlaschiha, I suppose) for a second there, as well.

I saw this the other day and I just died. So many questions...

This could have been me! I had this exact same experience WELL into my adulthood... and a similar one with reindeer. :\

It counts! Technology is the T in STEM after all.

Haha. I can! ;-)

I knew too because Sinful Colors is the best!

I still do not know how to say Dej Loaf

If ever there was someone to send a glitter bomb to...

Yeah, but I’m not going to go check out the library’s encyclopedia (even the online database one) when I just want quick info for personal reasons... And I’m a librarian.

My offering. May I please have an ungreying, too? Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Hmm... Not sure I buy it, but I find the idea intriguing. Fun to mull over while I wait for SOMEONE to finish this story.