
While at the local clinic for a burned foot, the doctor walked in to my room, took a quick look at my foot and asked me a few questions, then went back to reviewing my chart for a bit. After finishing up with the foot, she then said,

Ugh... I'm not going to comment on this specific article, since HS makes me queasy and his writing is always laden with creepy little insertions of his misogyny (see snippet above re: Charlie verbalizing like a woman). However, I have noticed that - as a woman right in the middle of her twenties - men do seem to be

I wonder how much of the label-reading was the nutritional facts and how much of it was the ingredients lists... if I'm looking at the back of a label, I'm definitely reading both, and while I certainly look for certain nutrient profiles sometimes (e.g. "oo, not feeling so well, better make sure I buy the smoothie

You likely have certain spots that you tend to stand at when serving large tables, yeah? Like, at table 30 you'll usually be standing near, say, the corner of the table closest to the kitchen, because it's the most convenient spot to hear/reach the most people or whatever. Anyway, you know your tables, and you know

HAHAHA oh my god thank you, I have been watching L&O:SVU reruns all week and it has made this comment so hilarious.

There have been cases where people have literally hacked up chunks of cancerous tissue and ended up totally fine. The human body is a weeeeeiiiiird place! My uncle has been massively obese for many years now, and recently found out that he should have died quite a while back due to arteries being clogged, but his body

Anybody who touches, much less cavorts on top of, my parked scooter is going to get cut. Just saying.

Over the years, I've come to the decision/realization that I get cat-called more than I realize, I just am really bad at noticing it because I've become so tired of how ridiculous most people are I tend to just tune them out when I'm out and about in public.

When I was in high school I was lucky enough to participate in a program that focused on human rights and genocide. There were a few optional trips, all of which I took. The big one was to Poland (Krakow), Germany (Berlin), and the Netherlands (Amsterdam). We visited Auschwitz I and II, Majdanek, and Thereisenstadt.

The obsession with image, and the shock at another human's not being obsessed with image, is something I've noticed is common to many different types of people... if it isn't people wondering why you don't wear make-up and high heels, it's people wondering why you don't have any tattoos, or why you always wear the

OK, so... I will keep the pot-smoking confined to my bedroom, and I'll kick my two tenants out, and you and your daughter are going to come down to Austin and live with me and if this douche-out tries to come mess with you I will use him for compost. I have a set of Lincoln Logs from 1962 and multiple board games, and

I am so with you. I drive in Austin too... on a scooter. I have frequently pulled dangerous maneuvers purely as a result of road rage... somebody will do something incredibly dangerous, thinking that they'll be able to drive off, not realizing that I can actually go a solid 5o or 60 mph and oh what do you know, you

I can see this playing a part of it, for sure... I know that I certainly have terrible road rage, but it seems to disappear when I'm just driving off for a day at the beach. Except I never have time for a day at the beach anymore, I'm too busy working and managing my house and cleaning and running errands... FUCK.

Think about your weekend. Think about how many people you encounter working while you are out enjoying your weekend. Any restaurant, bar, retail store, repair place, emergency/medical services... all those people have to be at work for those to be open for your use. Often people who work in these industries find

As a white person, I think I'm gonna start looking for "appropriate" opportunities in conversation to say to other white people that I don't see their race. I'm interested to see how they react... pure confusion? defensiveness? Of course, most of the people I see on a daily basis are hipsters who will probably just

Haha that's funny, I was just thinking "Wow, this kid is as screwed-up and overly-smart as I was at that age! Good luck in the future with that whole never-trust-people thing!"

Yeah my parents have told me stories about those times. What really gets to me is that I have met and known well people who are reasonable, articulate conservatives who make great arguments for the reasons for their conservatism. But they almost always willingly ignore the things that they acknowledge are detrimental

FYI, employees at Savers frequently make a bunch of money by picking out designer clothes during initial processing and reselling them on eBay. There's still plenty of designer stuff that makes its way to the floor, where it's pretty much all priced through the same system (i.e. what body part does it go on, not how

That's the face I get when I'm arguing with somebody that I have to argue politely with (for example, a coworker, an employer, or a customer/client) but who is using degrading tactics such as yelling, name-calling, and general intimidation to try to win. Especially if that person is a guy.

Yes, that kind of thing (people having no idea how to deal with somebody having a bad trip) happens a lot... let''s keep in mind that there are people reading this website who are like 15 or 16 years old and may take your story as a hilarious anecdote that includes the advice to swallow half a bottle of visine if