
Maybe so people can’t claim appropriation in dressing models as Hindu gods.

I think they mention it because it seems that his designs are inspired by his Indian hertiage. Also he makes a point of calling out his immigrant status so it makes it relevant.

While knowingly sleeping with a married man or woman is an incredibly shitty thing to do, he is capable of making his own decisions and being faithful to his wife. It would be on him.

They sure do, but they definitely don’t cover Brad or the Coreys careers in history classes.

I just read an article that said “Is Marion Cotillard to blame for the breakup?”

I feel like Marion is so much smarter than him.... I can’t see it. But she is more beautiful than Angelina. And she’s french...

it took a while to find the appropriate one that summed up my feelings. there was another one where he dragged himself on his knees across the kitchen floor which would work too, but i couldn’t find it.


HA! -- dead


Is it because Brad smokes pot in front of kids??

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. This is the exact kind of celebrity gossip that I need to balance out the horror that is this election year.

You’re not from LA, eh? With the residential burglary in certain areas every household will have security cameras. Civilian and celebrity alike.

No shit. I didn’t set foot outside my apartment from Monday until Friday last week, and I only went outside Friday because I knew I had some eyeshadow waiting for me in my mailbox downstairs. I regularly get home Friday evening and hole up until Monday morning when I have to go to work. It’s one of my favorite things

Maybe because celebrities have stalkers?

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

Filed to: Rantmodo

Stupid just like every single other Andriod vs iOS comment thread. It was old like 5 years ago.