
We all know this person. Glad she got what she deserved.

Huh. You know what would be better at preventing crimes? Clearing the massive backlog of rape kit DNA. 

Someone just told me that Singer owns One Potato, Two Potato. This production company is world-famous and they own the rights to a variety of screenplays. When the production company greenlights a project, Singer goes ahead and elects himself to direct it. That’s one of the reasons he keeps getting projects.

Okay I know this discussion was a long time ago but...

Judaphobia? Now there’s a new one. Wow...

Haha this is so unbelievably anti semitic I can’t even. “Jews are evil because they totally think they’re better than us so obvi” what EVER. You don’t deserve to be anywhere near a Jewish person, because guess what? We really ARE better than you.

I think it’s different too, being an actor versus being a producer. The actors arrive, do their work, then get shoved off to the sidelines or go back to their trailers or whatever. It’s not like in the movies where actors just hang out on set all day long or hang out with each other.

I mean it definitely sounds like there were tons of powerful people at the same parties that Singer went to in order to find boys to molest. Wonder if Spacey was at some of those parties.

Good article.

Radio silence, hmm?

Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m talking about. And that’s the part I object to. I don’t mind that women leading the WM or any other public feminists critique Palestine publicly. I do think this critique can verge on antisemitism and definitely the over-focus on Israel as an example of colonialism is bullshit and is an

Hitler seemed like an entirely miserable individual. I say kill him.

This movie’s hella fun to watch with one’s friends. And it’s very girly and engages with issues about what society expects from women, emotional labor, being taken advantage of by men who never intend to follow through, etc. I think it was oddly feminist for a romantic comedy.

I wonder if Jezebel has any other opinions to share on this topic? Or if they’ve just delegated to someone who parrots whatever opinions best serve pseudo-radical feminists?

WORD. Assuming women can’t possibly have any legitimate gripes because the press is vaguely invested in creating conflict is incredibly condescending. I have a brain in my head. I can make up my own mind.

Turns out celebrities really don’t know what they’re doing trying to run a nonprofit organization. Who ever would have suspected?


The literal definition of an ally is that it is a trade-off. It’s a military term that literally means ‘I fight for you, you fight for me.’

Agreed. I voted in the most recent election.

Wooooowwww okay. So while Jews are being shot at and targeted by white supremacists marching in the streets, you’ve decided—because, well, YOU should know, being someone who isn’t yourself a Jew and clearly knows nothing about Jewish people—you’ve decided based on the extremely accurate diagnosis you’ve given us, that