
I’d agree. I also think that it’s inaccurate and totally unfair to lump all white women in together, or say we’re somehow responsible for each other. I don’t attend any white-women-only conventions, I’ve got no power to change how white women outside my immediate sphere vote.

I appreciate why you’d feel that way, but honestly—I’m a Jew, so I’m different from the bulk of whiteness/white culture in most ways. I’ve got a separate culture, separate racial identity that’s met with lots of outright racism in the not-very-distant past, and my values are totally different from what mainstream

If we ever had collective power, most of us were not interested in using it to do anything in our ‘collective’ best interests. Still way too many privileges that go along with being a “good daughter” of patriarchy—and I don’t blame them. Even in activist circles, we’re all standing together until attacking someone

I appreciate that. I’m rather confused anyone is taking it as not a joke, but y’know, people’s brains do strange things..

Um, obviously I was being sarcastic?


Yes, and for serious—donuts are not food. They are this weird random yummy-tasting crud that modern America came up with. Our bodies are not designed to digest food that is basically butter and white flour, with little to no nutritional value. The fact someone choked to death ought not be a shock.

I mean, I do see her point about Santa. Santa’s based on Saint Nick, right? So he’s totally based on a European guy.

Sure, Trump. Just go ahead and hire anyone you like as a convenient fall guy, then fire ‘em whenever you need someone to shove under the bus.

Guys? Obviously she was murdered.

Either one, really. Don’t be too quick to make blanket assumptions—plenty of sociopaths do a really good job of keeping their shit together, up until they don’t. Drug use and unemployment don’t necessarily indicate antisocial behavior—lots of folks are struggling these days.

I literally have no idea what you’re trying to say. Obviously adoption would have been a better solution than this couple literally blowing up their child, or whatever it is they did to kill him. Sure, adoption is not always fantastic, but guess what? Plenty of parents suck too.

that’s fair but also at least people are trying to do something different

I mean, obviously it’s illegal—but also, yes. Disgusting. Also the kind of thing that people do because they’re messed up emotionally.

People who don’t want to take care of their kids anymore can adopt them out. No excuses.

C’mon, though—as bad as this movie clearly was, it’s not responsible for people’s insanity. People who kill their kids are insane, and need to be locked up for the sake of society. That’s not the movie’s fault.

I think this relates to the article about Diane Lane in a way—in America we demonize people for having any kind of “sordid” past, whether that means sexually, having some psychiatric diagnosis, having a criminal conviction—and really, how many of us avoid at least one of those things? There really IS this

There’s also this issue with making “niche films”—if a woman writer and woman director make a film primarily featuring a female protagonist, it’s going to be marketed either as a tearjerker or a Beaches-esque drama [or both], or else be marketed as a weepy kind of unfunny comedy...and guys aren’t gonna go see it.

WHAT. “Good for you, you realized that your incredibly racist comment was in fact racist—after throwing it out there for the whole world to see!!”

I don’t understand. stabbing, breaking into her home-but it’s her fault? the hell is she supposed to do? if the cops did their jobs in the first place this wouldn’t be an issue-