That’s the thing though, Barry has killed a ton of metas over the course of the show, and it makes his self-righteous, “we never kill stance” feel hollow.
That’s the thing though, Barry has killed a ton of metas over the course of the show, and it makes his self-righteous, “we never kill stance” feel hollow.
The no kill rule is silly and hypocritical. Half the metas from season one died by Flash’s hand. Iris literally killed Savitar last season. They need a better justification otherwise it’s just lazy writing.
Does the AV Club not know what the word roasted means? You can’t just modify it with gently and expect it to retain any of the semblance of its original meaning. There was no roasting of anyone in this video.
Well, you did watch the two worst episodes of the season.
Heavily disagree. I love the game, flaws and all. I only bring it up as an example of EA’s occasional poor decision making because its potential was squandered.
The funny part is the random shit he lists of as being at the clubs.
I remember vividly seeing The Avengers. Because that movie was so long and so boring. I may have been a little drunk, but, when there’s that part at the end where they say they have one last thing to do, I was yelled into the mostly empty theater, “no fuck you, movie, just be over, your’e done.”
It seems like they are confusing the type of hero Croft is. She isn’t a comic book hero that needs an elaborate back story and origin established. She is a classic pulp character who starts in the action. If the plot needs her to have a back story hook then it’s written in with a line and you just keep moving…
Thane Krios could be played by the shape of water.
Mass Effect should be a TV series, if anything. (It should not be anything.) I love the idea of Emily Blunt as FemShep, though.
Yeah but the plot of that game is standard AAA material, that is, it’s boring as hell and divorced completely from playing the game
I feel like I’m just watching it wrong. I had a lot of fun, and they’re supposed to be terrible people, aren’t they? I get what was wrong with the back half of last season, but this one is a good time so far.
I would like to propose a 4th condition to the Bechdel test:
1) The move has to have at least two women in it,
2) who talk to each other
3) about something besides a man
4) and remain friends and allies throughout.
I am a huge fan of Mindy Kaling but even I would say comparing her to Micheal Schur is a stretch. That being said, between this, Wrinkle in Time, Oceans 8, a new baby, and possibly a new book, 2018 is going to be a big year for her. I would be shocked if she doesn’t host SNL at some point (maybe to promote Oceans 8?)
Even if I also understand it, I’m really sad to read there is no regular coverage for the show. For me, the Good Fight is one of those shows that has so much to discuss and analyze with these reviews providing really excellent insights in to what was happening.
Dan Bucatinsky’s first ep is one of my favorites from the original run (it’s the one where they all bet whose shoulder Karen will cry on when Stan has a health scare).
Yes it looks dorky and yes that’s the whole point. I’d be so concerned if they went for a grim ‘n’ gritty Shazam.
I’m a big fan of what Neal McDonough brings to the show, but Dahrk has really become tiresome. I know they need to build him up so his takedown is that much more satisfying, but the endless repetitions of his waving a hand and stopping everyone is beyond tedious.
“ As I said before, Claire and Jamie apart should have lasted a season,”