
He also had 3.5 million dollars of diamonds in his suit pocket.

I think I literally used the words “lazy writing” three times last night.

Spoilers, maybe. The best part of the novel imo is that the dome doesn’t serve some crazy incoherent plan to maybe save people, at the end of the day its a dome, nothing more. It has no postive aspects, kid sezures/ unclear visions aside. The meat of the story is in how people react to being trapped. And how to treat

With ours I was pretty sure that she spent the day convincing herself that we’d never come home, and then when we did it was the best thing ever.

Really surprised at how entertaining this show has been throughout. And watching Theresa bitch slap that teacher was pretty damn satisfying. Cant wait to see what the finale will bring

I like what the show’s done with Pam, who started out very, very creepy and has now become a quite sympathetic character, rather than starting as a sociopathic fourteen year old runaway and ending up as a generic psycho. I’m also glad that they’ve essentially ditched large parts of the second book (and hopefully the

is it just me or has Harrison Ford seemed to come around from his normal dislike for fans and conventions, and even his "bad taste" from Star Wars, and of course im judging this soley on his words from the panel last night and now this.

The old man’s looking good. I’d still be pretty happy if Disney lets him put on the hat and take one more crack of the whip.

Even as someone who doesn’t actively loathe the prequels, I can’t help feel that they’re pretty much saying and doing everything so far seems like it screams “look we saw what you didn’t like about those movies, this is the Star Wars followup you’ve wanted”. And what they have actually shown does look pretty damn

Caliban’s scenes are usually my favorites — his acting is always the most powerful. I’ve always enjoyed the show and appreciate the complexity and beautiful imagery, and applaud the staff, studio, and actors for all they’ve accomplished. However, I do wish that we had more advanced indication of Lily’s true nature.

I went from feeling “meh” about Lily to becoming a DIE HARD LILY FAN!! You go girl! She was AMAZING! She is finally, FINALLY on top — after a life of sickness and whoring and always being at the mercy of another man, she has made her death into the exact opposite — she has power, purpose, and independance.

Because just starring a post is insufficient: