Just be thankful it's not "Blister in the Sun" *shivers*
Just be thankful it's not "Blister in the Sun" *shivers*
I don’t get it either. There seems to be some sort of weird concept in the R circles of a “right to choose” that Americans magically have. I first learned of this a few years ago when my Dad (New England Republican) and I were arguing politics. Something came up, I don’t remember what specifically it was, and he says…
In the West it’s been the function of the Judeo-Christian “morality” to essentially convince the “common folk” to adhere to a self-defeating code of conduct. Emphasizing the “virtue” of poverty and hardship, providing a sort of self-righteousness in doing so as a sort of balm for one’s pride. Ensuring that most of…
That transition from PPC to x86 was one of the most painful experiences of my professional career. It took almost 3 years, in many cases longer, before the workhorse applications were debugged enough for professional use. In many cases that was too long and significant swathes of the tech-creative industry simply…
Had it not been for the invention of the cotton gin, it is likely that slavery would’ve been abolished more quickly instead of massively expanding in the way that it did, in a relatively short period of time.
De-platforming the RNC is now one of my favorite ideas. If states and cities just flat out “nope” the convention you’d see my eyes glow green as I absorb the collective anguish of a million rotten hearts breaking. Might even grow back my hair.
Fantasy doesn’t always have to be Elves and Dwarves. Though I do understand your frustration and empathize.
Biden is a goddamn architect of American globalization. Of course China wants him in charge. They already have a guarantee that, as much as possible, things will go right back to how they were economically (i.e. in China’s best interests). Trump represents a dying cause of white American scumbags crying foul at…
It's also all the snowflake white supremacists that have infected our institutions finding out that their little game has come around to bite their dumb asses. Fuck them all.
Can we drag him down a dirt road tied to a pickup somewhere in the sticks of Texas yet or do we still have to wait til he’s out of office? Asking for a friend.
It’s cops.
So, like, a regular American flag? Where's the media controversy in that? 😆😉
This is really the only reasonable approach, automation. The slew of people just figuring out stone age technology in the comments here are representative of the greater whole, who will fight it tooth and nail under various preposterous pretenses because deep down they know they drive like shit and should have been…
You go to the court date on the ticket, just like how it works now. The problem is, being likely white, you never get pulled over so you have only a marginal understanding of how that shit actually works.
I thought at first that Steve Carrell let himself go for a new role, “Hilarious” Cop or something.
Biden’s still pretending that White Supremacists and white supremacists haven’t already infested the nation’s law enforcement at all levels and that law enforcement is acting in good faith. Two presumptions that are neither valid nor validated by evidence.
😂 seriously, the fuck is up with this white college chick “African” motif? Just say something not-shitty and make some federal legislation to permit us to burn police at the stake and we’re good.
They know the difference. You’re giving the yokel racists too much credit.
I like. I’m always trying to think of ways we can directly sue the fucking unions instead if the municipalities. Not that I dislike unions, and that is itself why setting a precedent for suing unions is a bad idea. But mandating bond insurance is so within the greed spectrum of American lawmakers, wow. Make bond ==…
Seriously. What a fucking bitchass.