
I dunno, I get why people would be frustrated that the service(s) they've come to rely on for entertainment/escape get hax0rd bad enough to be unusable, but, as a career IT infrastructure monkey, every high profile hack helps get me the funding from otherwise clueless executive leadership to work towards

I think the most egregious foul, in this case, is being perpetrated by the so-called "media". You saying his apology for not doing anything wrong is not good enough, to paraphrase, amongst the rest of the shrill media harpies pretending they have a bone to pick is sad and pathetic.

With a response like that it's clear that you wouldn't get any Goat Simulator explanation anyway so just move on and save the internet some bits.

Military history buffs are military history buffs no matter where in the world you are.

Yes, the employment system is broken because you're too lazy to write a common introduction to the human being on the other end of your email. That darned broken system! That's why this lazy slob with no human manners is jobless! Certainly not his own fault!

Well yes, in America being an employee in general is pretty dehumanizing. Some companies do better than others to mask the fact that you're just another cog in the machine but regardless, you are still only a cog. Get over it.

If you haven't gotten any feedback at all after 30 resumes, then you are clearly applying for