
Does anyone remember when reality TV jumped the Shark and combined the premise of The Bachelor and Biggest loser into a new show called “More to Love”? The premise was “the series followed Luke Conley of Santa Maria, California,[2] a single plus size man (age: 26, height: 6' 3", weight: 330 lbs)[3] trying to find love

Well, I didn’t really watch the show. I was in grad school while it was in its peak and it kind of happened at the edge of my cultural awareness. I knew it was there in the same way I know the Bachelor and Survivor are still...somehow...things, but I didn’t watch.

Aww, pumpkin, let’s find y’all a hobby that’s not silently judging fat people, you li’l creeper!

Reality TV shows in general exist because there is a critical mass of people who are willing to subject themselves to complete humiliation in order to get on television. Without those victims, you have nothing.

I hate that we’re even talking about him. I hate that he chose to waste his money on a futile vanity campaign rather than helping us defeat Trump or flip the senate. He’s spent a quarter of a billion just on advertisements. Think of all the good he could have done with that money. Think of all the lives he could have

I liked Ross at the time the show was on. Then I re-watched many years later and found his character was pretty mean and controlling, especially to Rachel about her job and interests. You think fashion is stupid. Fine. Don't be a smug dick about it though.

Thank you. We are not human shields for the less stigmatised members of the community.

God forbid we miss out on addressing some poor dude’s sexual needs.

Incels need to be as far away from women as humanly possible.

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

Social re-insertion plan after killing your wife with a hammer and then stabbing her?!?!

“Anyone with a child knows that children learn about the world through binary options: up or down, hot or cold, big or little, inside or outside, wet or dry, good or bad, boy or girl, man or woman,” Schlafly said.

Yes, young children do think in binaries. So what? They also think peas and carrots can’t touch and it’s totally NBD to eat a roach off the floor. You’re going to get better results if you teach them otherwise starting early! And I promise they care more about the roach than about some hypothetical LGBT adults. It’s

Thank you. For a reporter to be punished by a purported news organization for accurately pointing out that he was very credibly accused of rape, is fucking insane.

“The girls”? Gabbard is awful, and I’m not a big Clinton fan either, but why are you demeaning them (and all women candidates...and all women who strive to be taken seriously in their professional roles...and all women) like this?

I agree with her misstep on her ancestry, but I’m not sure it’s true that she capitalized on it. She also listened to many different Native communities afterward, learned, apologized directly to them, and then came out with a bad ass plan that was informed and led by one of her campaign co-chairs, Rep. Haaland.

In the aftermath of the Trump Ascendancy, I attended a rally hosted by Our Revolution and headlined by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. Elizabeth was a ball of refocused energy - she talked in a combination of campaign-speech rhetoric and specific policy points. (I’ve seen her speak a few other times as well - and

I don’t really care if Hillary is helping or not in 2020. She did her part in 2016. We did our part. And she’s absolutely right about Bernie, who is really, really not helping.

Alternate take: she IS helping.