
Quite a few years back I worked for a law firm whose receptionist was a devout Mormon. She had 5 kids, all sons, and had never even seen a rated “R” movie. Some of the cases we handled involved sexual abuse; she read some transcripts and (I kid you not) asked me one day what “oral sex” was. This is the life of a

I’m glad most of this comment section doesn’t need a dilator to have comfortable sex. But I wish people would stop shaming others for what they need medically.

I’d feel worse about it — but they need to wise up and/or interview more POC over here, who would’ve been able to tell them the straight story about this in 2015. Or they could start with Keny Arkana in France or Reni Eddo Lodge over there, where it’s the same story and BREXIT is just like TRUMPXIT, where a bunch of

It could’ve been worse

Same reason any old white man is still running his mouth. Come on. Why is HRC the only person who’s ever told to go sit down and knit? Nobody tells any Republican traitor that. Nobody even tells her husband that.

Mulvaney isn’t nearly as smart as he thinks he is. Once everyone is actually charged, if convicted, he’ll be a felon, even if he doesn’t know it yet.

The evidence on social media shows that the Russians are favoring Tulsi. The bot traffic and promotion are definitely going her way. Don’t know if you consider that evidence. Remember, you don’t have to get a ton of people to peel off for a third party candidate. You just have to get enough to do it in very specific

Wow, delusional much?

Plus, despite being a woman of color, White Nationalists moon over her to a startling degree. She’s been praised by the likes of Steve Bannon, Pat Buchanan and David Duke. How is any self-respecting progressive not alarmed by that?

You seem like you love a good conspiracy. Stein was photographed at a dinner with Flynn and Putin in 2015 at a RT party in Moscow.

Could you let us know what it is you’re smoking, so we can avoid it?

bots can give likes in a way they can’t stuff a ballot box

If Hillary Clinton wants to troll Gabbard, I’m fine with it.  Fuck Gabbard.

Hmm... whom do I believe; the woman who thinks Bashar al-Assad is doing a great job, or the women who was correct in many predictions, including the one about Trump becoming Putin’s puppet?

I mean, she’s not wrong. Plus, calling for Hillary to enter the race (presumably to split the vote and further diminish the Dem’s chances) really doesn’t help her in the “I’m not a Russian asset” department.

I actually didn’t see it as an attempt to “un-race” Pelosi so much as to state (what should be obvious) that in a room with filled with some of the most powerful people in this country the majority are white me.

He shared it because he truly believes the world sees all women the way he does. As either fuck toys or shrill harpies. He literally can not imagine a world where a woman looks strong in the face of adversity. 

I particularly enjoy the generals and men to Trump’s right who look utterly defeated and ashamed.

Everybody wants to see their team kicking @ss and taking names. If Pelosi is not your team (and Ashley admits that she isn’t), then this scene is not going to move you.

When was the last time you sat in a conference room full of men (literally, 16+ to your one), and had to stand up for what was right and call bullshit?  She ain’t a superhero, but for fucks sake she stands for every goddamn one of us that was in that position and COULD NOT stand up because it would have been the end