
“People used to die of polio. Now they don’t because of vaccines. That’s not fair! We need to go back to dying from polio!

Yeah, I like the idea in theory, but I'm just not built for that. I need my own space and plenty of alone time. I would die of anxiety.

Your comment is 100% spot on.

I am too anti-social to every live on a commune.

It sounds like the “when I was young I walked 10 miles in the snow and rain to school everyday” trope, only now it applies to the next generation.

I don’t believe that older women are worthless. I’ve never thought that.

Greetings from the roller derby tournament I’m reffing!

Oof. That dog looks like he has regrets. Hope your next week is better!

Has anybody done the makeover at Sephora? It looks like you can get a “free” makeover if you spend $50 in products that day. I assume the intention would be for you to buy the products they use in the makeover. Would it be uncool to get the makeover and buy $50 worth of skincare or other non makeover related stuff?

That sounds truly unbearable. I’m probably overly formal with my text messages (I am one of those lunatics who types out full sentences with punctuation and everything), but it squicks me out when someone I’m dating uses too much text speak or a ton of emojis. I really try to tamp down that judgmental part of my brain

It’s because there are a lot of men that don't want the women in their lives to love something or someone equally. These men want you to give yourself away but just to them. No one else.

I stopped dating a guy because he spelled sexy... SEXCI. Spelling and grammar is important and every time I got a text from him telling me how sexci I am I wanted to vomit

I fell for a guy who took me out to look at the stars and pointed out constellations, then told me the myths behind them. Other deal sealers:

I had this scenario, but with my dog. “Your dog takes up too much of your time.” <insert biggest eye roll & fastest dumping of boyfriend ever>

I had a boyfriend who used to get jealous of my purry, demanding cat, to the point where I told him, point blank, not to make me choose between him and my cat because he would not like my answer to that. And I meant it.

I mean, they didn’t REALLY have those resources, either.

I agree with you, but I don’t consider that to be “petty”.  I see that as a huge red flag.

My deal breaker is crying over someone buying you lunch. You know you dodged a bullet, right?

I think its progress- equality, where men and women are truly equal, means that companies should look at them and go after them equally.

Is the ad pandering to women?