
I loved Cricket! It was the first subscription I ever got and it felt so grown up (I was about 9). 

Saying “You shouldn’t take kids from their parents and lock them in cages” is now considered “controversial”

To steal a Twitter comment “This is Gallant.”

Thaaaank you. Look, I know over time Jez has shifted more into White Feminism(TM) territory but....god damn, this....this is crossing a line.

I’ve seen a story or two like this before, and as someone who works everyday to get people *out* of custody, it is utterly baffling and not at all cute.

She’s setting a bar for what counts as “torture” conveniently right underneath what her father experienced. You know, some people have had body parts cut off as part of their torture. Should they say, “Well, John McCain didn’t really get tortured because he got to keep all his fingers!”? It’s astonishingly stupid.

McCain shot back, “Well, my father couldn’t lift me above his head as a child because of his torture wounds.”

The White House blocked the House Oversight Committee’s request that Kellyanne Conway testify before Congress regarding allegations that she violated the Hatch Act

The police would make sure we all knew that this was a terrible tragedy that they had no way to prevent and couldn’t possibly have known about. Also here’s how much his family loves him and a teacher/coach who remembers how promising he was as a student/athlete.

Ah, but Soylent is People, you know. And we can’t restrict “people’s” rights.

Update via Sickthings, the main Alice Cooper fan site:

I love almost everything about Alice Cooper, but I do hope this is something they wouldn't really do. Their kids don't need to lose them both at the same time, at the very least.

These women all tell stories of him doing EXACTLY WHAT HE SAYS HE DID.

Not just people who are parents. I’m really not crazy about children and have never ever wanted to have any of my own. There is no way that I could work in a facility like this and do or say nothing.

I’ve read some other commenter make this suggestion before and I think it is a good idea: Trump loves putting his name on everything — so let’s do just that. These border camps should be rebranded as “Trumpcamps” — forever linking him to this act of abominable cruelty.

Donate to @RAICESTEXAS. Donate to the ACLU. They’re doing as much of the legal and humanitarian stuff as they possibly can. 

I think you’re doing great. You have clearly identified your needs and appropriate boundaries with him. You are successfully enforcing said boundaries and are moving forward to meet your needs. I understand that his autism can make things complicated, but I think you’re doing grand. I’m super proud of you and I

You need more stars for this comment.

That’s a great video. One thing I might add - practice breathing exercises when you’re calm, too, so they become second nature and you don’t have to think about it if you start to have an anxiety attack.

I want to bring up a couple of political things.