
Absolutely on the adrenaline letdown. I’ve had this for big work events - even when they went well and I was really looking forward to the break afterwards. And for athletic stuff for sure. I think it’s partly a post-adrenaline thing but also so much of your mental energy has been devoted to something big upcoming and

They’ll have an item that some other seller dupes (or just has old product), and Amazon will allow the dupe to sell through that main listing if the original seller is out of stock. Oftentimes it will be under the same main name, and it will not tell you it’s coming from a third-party.

I just started getting Fab Fit Fun too!! I started with the summer box and I can’t wait for my fall box. The value is CRAZY.

Why is his name misspelled on the chalkboard??

Sounds about right.  

I don’t think anyone is pretending about Clinton. I have seen no one, here or elsewhere, say that Clinton should be held to a different standard than Epstein. In fact, I’ve consistently seen the opposite - people wanting everyone involved to face consequences. This is not a party line issue, and threatening Clinton

“Decency porn” is a sad but accurate name. 

This is kind of touching imagining your mom seeing her first rainbow!!

Nope. My other theory has been that he’s simply lying about the falling out and there wasn’t one at all. 

Seriously. I’m kind of annoyed to even see this article, because would this even be here if there wasn’t now this “JFK lives and is coming to save us” happening with the Q crowd? Is this really the time to inevitably feed into the idea that somehow we are all being prepped for his return?

I actually think this might be true.

I just saw this re @jack. It’s both WTF and also entirely expected.

So annoying too because it exacerbates the “default” that a boss is male. If there’s another word for a boss who is a woman, then a “normal” boss must be a man!!

I definitely think an unfortunate proportionate of the electorate see all women candidates as mouthy broads. But I don’t think the DNC itself does. *shrug*

You think Warren is seen as a newnie kid?

Absolutely! No question. I just am continually surprised that Biden is seen as the best option. 

If I end up having to vote for him, I’m going to be an unhappy democrat!

I am 38 but I feel at least twice that right now. Thank you!!!

If you are blind, so am I! 

He is so not ready for prime time. It becomes more clear each day.