
It really says something about my current state of mind that I immediately thought, as long as it’s us or aliens, ok, but please don’t let it be Putin or another friendly autocrat buddy of Trump’s doing something. 

I hate all those types of questions so much. Especially when there is follow-up asking “what did you do???” UGH. Prying bullshit. I know to many people this doesn’t feel like prying but WHY DOES ANYONE CARE what I did on the weekend? WHY. It’s not just smalltalk if you keep going after the first question. It’s prying!

I don’t want to ungray them but I’m dying at the troll responding to you that “you and anyone else who supports her can probably barley read.” Ah, that barley reading!! Like tea leaf reading, but barley...right???

I’d forgotten about that. SMH.

Athleta plus is AWESOME. Love love love. I use mostly for yoga and they have lots of good high-waisted options.

Between this and Natasha Bertrand leaving, I am now glad I procrastinated and never got around to subscribing. Ugh. I am disgusted that they ran this.

This is not what happened. Avenatti did not represent Daniels for the 2016 payment—Keith Davidson did. Keith Davidson also represented McDougal, and iirc, was in cahoots with the Trump camp rather than properly representing these clients.

I unfortunately don’t have a ton of advice but I do need advice on this to deal with a younger coworker, so I am going to keep an eye on this thread!

What BorgCubed said! Just approach them calmly as you would rectify any other work problem. I think they did just goof. They don’t want it to be wrong either, and you’re helping them not have an employment issue (which they definitely don’t want, particularly depending on your state). 

Oh no! Well, glad you figured it out. A hyaluronic spray sounded so nice--I hope you find a good one at some point!

What spray did you get?

It’s a weird system for sure.

The registration thing is partly because of our primary system. You don’t have to vote a certain way--I’m a registered Democrat and when I cast my ballot I could vote straight Republican or any other way I want. It’s more about being able to cast votes in a primary. For obvious reasons it wouldn’t be helpful to have

My theory:  I think they know he’s an idiot but wanted tax breaks and think the extra money will insulate them from anything harmful he does.

Same here re bubble of denial. And I agree also about the willful denial—that’s what I think is going on with my aunt as well. For some people, they’d rather be in a bubble of denial than change their own beliefs or impressions, or admit they were conned. I think some of it is because, based on your underlying

Hello! I have an aunt who also does the “I don’t know anybody who cares about Russia.”

I learned that one the hard way. The guy also idolized Bill Clinton. 

Good to know. I like Janz! But I’m not in Nunes’ district unfortunately to vote for him.

Who do you think will lose? I want Nunes gone. Even though Rohrabacher is arguably more compromised by/in bed with Putin, or has been for longer, Nunes has too much power and is a fucking traitor.